主演河濑直美执导、将三代目 J Soul Brothers的歌曲《Unfair World》的世界观映像化的电影短片《平行世界》。主演石川庆执导、以大阪女子乐队yonige的歌曲《one room》为原案的电影短片《点》[32]。在东京电视台开局纪念日特别企划SP剧《破狱》中饰演多次成功越狱的天才越狱犯佐久间清太郎[33]。在改编自荒木飞吕彦...
Some of the best soul food in the city still can be had at Ben's Chili Bowl (1213 U St NW), founded in 1958 and made famous in part by Bill Cosby's enthusiasm. A classic meal -- half-smoke, cheese fries, and milk shake -- costs less than $10....