总是无法安装vive..从眼镜到手到现在也差不多10来天了,一直没法安装vive的那个安装程序。steam倒是正常运行,每次装vive setup的时候 都是提示下图无论早上,上午,下午,晚上,半夜都是无法下载,不知道有没有
我是ViveSetup 無法完成安裝!!在登入畫面按下無反應!安裝無法完成!所幸安裝STEAM VR是能正常使用!我...
2.DownloadandinstalltheVIVEsoftware.(/us/setup/) 3.DownloadandinstallSteam.(/about/) 4.CreateaVIVEaccountandlogin. 5.CreateaSteamaccountandlogin. 6.DownloadandinstalltheSteamVRapplicationfromtheSteamshop. 7.InstalltheLighthousesbyplugginginthepoweradapters. ...
英特尔无线套件安装V..安装时提示Fail to install displaylink. 我找到原因了,原来是ViveWirelessSetup会调用一个安装程序displaylinkXR.msi去安装驱动,这个安装程序默
体验全新推出的VIVE Focus Vision!立即购买,获赠3款VR内容 > VIVE Focus Vision 全新的PC VR 体验。立即购买,还可获赠3款VR游戏。* *适用条款和条件。 ¥9,888 立即购买 了解详情 更舒适,更自由, 更精彩。 立即购买VIVE XR 精英套装,获赠VIVE XR 系列畅享包。内含4款VR配件!
2.Download and install the VIVE software. (https://www.vive.com/us/setup/) 3.Download and install Steam. (https://store.steampowered.com/about/) 4.Create a VIVE account and log in. 5.Create a Steam account and log in. 6.Download and install the Steam VR application from the Steam...
If there's more than one app that can be opened when you tap a link—such as a shared social post or media link—you may be prompted to choose the app you want to use. When you're prompted after you've tapped a link, select an app, and then tapAlwaysto set that app as the ...
PRODUCTS 5G BLOCKCHAIN PHONE VIVE VIVERSE SUPPORT HTC Devices & Accessories Video Tutorials BLOG HTC Bolt Guide Downloads FAQ System performance How do I check the latest software updates for my phone? How do I troubleshoot my phone when there's a problem? Why is my phone ...
VR开发--HTC Vive基础(1):按键操作 于2020-06-02 17:08:26 1.2K0 文章被收录于专栏:宜达数字 1、手柄的详细介绍。 手柄对象一栏:http://www.jianshu.com/p/c28fbf480cff 2、获取手柄上按键的对应信息 2-1 :获取手柄编号 代码语言:javascript
Code & schematics for position tracking sensor using HTC Vive's Lighthouse system and a Teensy board. - ashtuchkin/vive-diy-position-sensor