随着GDC 2019大会的临近,HTC日前正式发布了用于手部追踪的Vive Hand Tracking SDK(抢先体验版;拉到页面最下方,点击同意许可条款后可下载),以及具体的官方文档。 这是一个利用Vive,Vive Pro和Vive Focus(Wave Platform)板载摄像头的跨平台手部位置追踪和手势识别工具。HTC指出,Vive和Vive Pro都可以支持手指追踪(21个点...
HTC VIVE is excited to announce that the hand tracking feature on our premium enterprise VR headset, VIVE Focus 3, has received significant performance, stability, and accuracy improvements. These benefits are unlocked with our latest firmware version 3.0.999.284, available for free to all cus...
(VRPinea 4月29日讯)今日重点新闻:今日,HTC宣布旗下VR平台Viveport已与日本万代南梦宫合作,双方将共同发展VR动画内容;Oculus团队发布了一种全新的追踪模式:高频手部追踪,手部追踪的频率将会从30Hz增加至60Hz;VR多人团战游戏《雇佣战士》将和Pico Neo 3于5月10日同步亮相。HTC合作万代南梦宫,将动画名作带入...
另外,VIVE XR Elite首次导入全彩高解析RGB透视摄像镜头(passthrough camera)和手部追踪(hand tracking)功能,透视摄像镜头让使用者的所在环境也能加入内容应用中,不论是训练教学,还是娱乐游戏都能大幅拓展XR内容的多样性与未来发展潜力。 VIVE XR Elite盒内包含头戴式显示器、2个控制器、电池座,建议售价为新台币34,900...
Vive Sense SDK主要包括两部分:面向外部环境的Vive SRWorks SDK、面向用户本身的Vive SRanipal SDK以及手部交互Vive Hand Tracking SDK。利用Vive SRWorks SDK,开发者可以实现一些混合现实功能等;利用Vive SRanipal SDK,开发者可以实现对用户自身眼球、嘴唇、舌头的追踪;通过Vive Hand Tracking SDK,开发者可以实现实时手部...
1、首先搭建简单的环境: Environment.png 2、创建空物体,命名为Player: 给Palyer 添加 Player 脚本,该脚本是SteamVR种内置的脚本。...
“Axon was a key development partner for the VIVE Wrist Tracker from concept to prototype to production. The VIVE Wrist Tracker is key for enabling the most accurate tracking of objects that an officer is holding like a TASER device, beyond the capabilities of Hand Tracking alone. This is an...
HTC VIVE XR EliteAll-in-one Mixed Reality Headset › Resolution: 3840 x 1920 Px › Field of View: 110° › High-resolution Mixed Reality Passthrough › incl. 2 Motion Controllers and Hand Tracking €999.01 HTC VIVE Focus 3 BusinessAll-in-one Virtual Reality Headset ...
HTC VIVE's Global Product Manager Shen Ye emphasized, "The VIVE Self-Positioning Tracker's advanced whole-body tracking feature for multifunctional headsets brings a highly realistic and immersive XR experience. We are delighted to offer users a more powerful and flexible tracking device ...
年初在全球消费电子展CES获得最佳产品殊荣的HTC首款XR装置-VIVE XR Elite即将于2月下旬与消费者在中国台湾正式见面。VIVE XR Elite拥有轻量化的设计,同时具备强大的性能及一机多用的特性,不但可以展现PC VR等级的娱乐声光效果, 创新技术 也可以应用于各种商业场景。无论