HTC's presence in the smartphone market has all but evaporated, but it's still a presence in the world of VR. Facebook's Oculus is way out in the lead, but HTC hopesits new Vive Flow(Opens in a new window)might attract a new kind of VR enthusiast. The lightweight headset is style...
HTC Vive Trademarks Vive Flow As It Teases New Announcement Jamie Feltham 27 September 2021 Share to Reddit Share to Facebook
HTC officially unveiled its next consumer-focused headset at CES 2023 today. Called Vive XR Elite, the standalone mixed reality device boasts a feature set that positions HTC to go toe-to-toe with Meta’s Quest Pro, but at a notably cheaper price of $1,100. The moniker ‘Flowcus’, a...
"With VIVE Flow, HTC is taking technology in a new direction, focusing not on what we do, but on how we feel. Maintaining our wellness has come to the forefront in the last few years, with so many millions feeling stressed every day, so it has never been more important to take time...
HTC has photoshopped its HTC Vive Flow VR headset onto Shutterstock images and we are having a hard time believing if the gadget is any good.
”暗示推出新款小型ViveVR头显,并附上了一张图片...一份简短的HTC新闻稿将这条推文描述为一款新的头显的预告,并指出自ViveFlow--HTC在消费者VR头显上的早期尝试,看起来(有点)像太阳镜--已经过去一年了...ByteDance刚刚推出了Pico4VR头显,它的规格与消费级的MetaQuest2相似,强调健身和游戏等活动... 特别声...
Especially for someone who has never tried it before, deciding what you’re going to do in VR is intimidating when faced with something like the HTC Vive for the first time. That’s why Reddit user Gazzzah made a flow chart to help coworkers figure out what to play. The Vive owner ...
在Reddit上,有一位名为Fire-proof 的网友放出了一段视频,视频中我们可以看到这位玩家利用自制程序可以通过HTC Vive观看《英雄联盟》的录像和比赛直播。上帝视角观战是不是别有一番趣味呢?相信如果这一功能做好了对于电竞选手们进行训练还是非常有帮助的。然而美中不足的是看近景居然要趴在地上才看见?这是让游戏宅...
MR+画面这么**,还自带貌似很高端的耳机,价格也就VIVE一代的级别。HTC的价格定位确实太落后,OC在发现竞争激烈的时候可是急流勇退,接连降价到亲民。反观HTC,也就蹭活动的时候先涨价几百,然后再降价几百,拿消费者的智商开玩笑。 回复(5) 14楼2018-11-01 19:54 ...