You may have heard of Seamless Updates before. It involves something called "A/B partitions." What is it and how does it affect custom development on XDA? ByAdam Conway Jul 21, 2018 SunShine bootloader unlock (S-Off) tool now supports the HTC U12+ ...
No need to generate any device-specific token - you can unlock the bootloader of the HTC Desire 20 Pro using a regular Fastboot command. Read on! BySkanda Hazarika Jul 14, 2020 SunShine bootloader unlock (S-Off) tool now supports the HTC U12+ ...
Improve your HTC U12 Life's battery life, performance, and look by rooting it and installing a custom ROM, kernel, and more.
来自Xda starwinocean 咏叹调 9 下面简单翻译一下:Dear Community, (社区的朋友们)Venom ROMs takes the next big step for your HTC, as well as other Treble A/B devices out there! (“毒液”Roms让你的htc和其他支持PT,A/B分区的设备迈出了一大步)You want Android 10, but don't want to mi...
This is the latest (sort of) RUU for the HTC Gratia The attachments on XDA don't allow you to upload an .exe file so, but I can upload to the attachments Link to EXE: Link to see attachments Ulumia Thread Aug 26, 202...
htc desire 12+ 的ruu,官方rom话说,自从u12+之后,狗火腿官方就不再放出新机型的rom了,desire 12+貌似是唯一泄漏的一个。下面截图来自xda,我有一个朋友系列,看版本号
到了2018 年,HTC做了最后一搏,在五月份发布了新的旗舰 U12+(也是最后一款 HTC 旗舰手机了),继续打磨边框触控并将其升级为 2.0 版本。 2019年,HTC官方关闭了其位于京东和天猫的手机旗舰店,当时的 HTC 官网几款旗舰手机也是显示“无货”状态。 2,转型 VR 其实从 2012 年开始,HTC 就有衰落的迹象了,因为当年...
诺基亚就发布了第一款塞班系统的智能手机7650,HTC发布了运行Pocket PC 2002 Phone Edition系统的O2 XDA,大家可能没听说过,因为他在中国一般被称为"多普达686",看它的系统界面,大家更倾向于称作为"电脑手机",因为系统界面到操作逻辑都是在模仿电脑,当然毕竟这就是微软设计的手机版Windows——Windows mobile。 不仅是...
火腿肠U12+ 安卓..为了全面屏手势而刷,花了八十块钱淘宝找人远程搞了好几个小时才弄好,主要我这网络慢电脑也不太给力,后来换了一台win7的刷的。酷安那个酷酷耶分享的刷机包链接。用起来感觉还不错,但肯定比不上我这拥有120