答案是我们会发现一款由高端材质制成、设计完美的Windows Phone手机。相信许多消费者会弃用诺基亚Lumia 920 ,而转向Windows Phone版HTC One。 尽管Windows Phone的发展还存在争议,但这并不意味着消费者不希望看到Windows Phone版HTC One。尤其是有BoomSound 这样高端的音箱以及Zoe多张连拍功能,Windows Phone版HTC One肯定...
HTC One推出之后广受好评,一路亏损的HTC也终于看到新希望,开始谋划推出具备同样设计风格的HTC One mini以及Butterfly 2,而据外媒最新消息,HTC还将打造一款Windows Phone 8版本的HTC One。 消息称,WP8版HTC One仍将采用金属机身设计,具备Beats音效,尺寸约为4寸至5寸之间(Android版HTC one为4.7寸)。 WP8版HTC O...
HTCOne For Windows参数功能 最新报价: 上市年份:2014年 机身内存: 2GB RAM 网络模式:FDD-LTE/WCDMA/GSM 电池容量:2600毫安时(不可拆卸) 外观:直板 蓝牙:4.0版支持 主屏尺寸:5英寸 1080x1920像素 GPS导航:支持GLONASS 触摸屏:支持 电容屏支持多点触控 存储卡:MicroSD (TransFlash) 摄像头像素: 主:400...
HTC One (M8) for Windows review: Tinker, Tailor What if you could pick a phone and then choose its operating system? What if you could get a popular flagship such as the HTC One (M8) and replace the Android OS with Windows Phone? Wonder no... ...
HTC 下一代 Windows Phone(以下简写为 WP)机型终于确认。 是的,它将是 HTC 当前旗舰机型 HTC One(M8)的孪生兄弟,据称名字是 HTC One(W8)。 无论外形,还是配置,它都和当下的 M8 一致:5 英寸 1080p 屏幕、高通骁龙 801、2 GB RAM、32 GB ROM(扩展卡可支持 128 GB)、400 万像素的 UltralPeixl 后置...
HTC One® (M8) for Windows® User guide 2 Contents Contents Features you'll enjoy HTC Dot View Cortana Live Tiles HTC BoomSound HTC BlinkFeed HTC Camera Unboxing HTC One nano SIM card Setting up your phone Entering your PIN Setting up your phone for the first time Account setup Getting ...
Windows Phone版本的HTC One M8 所搭载的硬件配置与今年早些时候发布的安卓版HTC One M8 完全相同,当然,除了机身上标记的Verizon logo除外。虽然两款设备的硬件相同,但是全新变种机型的最大区别就是操作系统。
This version of the HTC One (M8) runs on the Windows Phone OS. It boasts a 5-inch 1080 x 1920 resolution LCD display and comes with a 5-megapixel front camera and an UltraPixel 4-megapixel rear camera (with secondary depth camera). This Windows-run HTC smartphone also features 32 GB...
今天,HTC联合美国运营商Verizon正式发布了搭载Windows Phone 8.1 Update系统的HTC One M8,外观和配置与Android版M8完全一致,定位高端旗舰,Verizon提供了99.99美元的两年合约机,发布当天随即开卖,裸机售价暂未公布。随后AT&T也在官网宣布将推出这款手机,时间应该会稍晚于Verizon。
“The HTC One (M8) for Windows is true to the flagship product’s award-winning design and unique experience while also taking the best of what Windows Phone has to offer,” said Darren Laybourn, corporate vice president of engineering for Microsoft. “We succeeded in offering customers the ...