HTC Flyer P512 使用指南 HTC Flyer P512 使用指南
多普达HTC Flyer P512手机使用说明书:[7]
到"设定"选"语言与键盤"在选"语言"在选"中文"这样介面就会变成中文了 请采纳, 谢谢
1sExplorerF3188FiestaFirstFlyerFreestyleFuzeG1G2GeneGoogle Nexus OneGratiaH3000CHarmonyHDHD MiniHD2HD7HD7SHERA100HERA110HeraldHerm 200Herm 300HERM100HermesHeroHero SHimalayaHurricanei-MateIceIgniteImagioIncredible 2Incredible SInnovationInspireInspire 4GIntruderioliteJJ ButterflyJadeJADE100JetJetstreamKAIS100K...
说起现在的安卓手机品牌,年轻的消费者首先想到的就会是华为、小米、OPPO、VIVO这样的品牌。手机造型也就是常见的板砖式的大屏幕,这几年也有品牌陆续打破常规,推出了折叠屏甚至是三折叠的屏幕。 作为一个经历过智能手机从塞班、奔迈、WM百花齐放的时代过来的消费者,还是有很多有特点的机型让我印象深刻的。今天跟大家分...
htc p512 屏幕一半黑了,一激动,把衣服从上床扯了下来,平板就压在衣服上,结果可想而知... 变这鸟样了
平板 – HTC Flyer Gizmodo 对这款 HTC 平板的外观评价是这就是一款大号手机。这款 HTC 在 MWC 上推出的新 7 寸平板(1024 x 600 分辨率)内部搭载 Android Gingerbread,配合 HTC 自家的 Sense UI ,看上去还算精巧。机器内部是一颗主频 1.5GHz 单核处理器,内置 32 GB 存储空间,双摄像头设计。支持 900/AWS/...
(PC36100), HTC Evo Design 4G, HTC Explorer, HTC Flyer, HTC Freestyle, HTC HD Mini (PB92100), HTC HD2, HTC HD7, HTC HD7 (PD29100), HTC Hero 100, HTC Imagio, HTC Incredible S (PG32130), HTC Inspire 4G, HTC Intruder, HTC Jade, HTC JADE (JADE100), HTC Kaiser (KAIS130), ...
P Pete T3G 23 Apr 2011 me 2 Reply S Sb PUs 22 Apr 2011 sado, 15 Apr 2011To dear SB.. I think this Flyer can do gsm calls.Really? I hope it does, i really want it... Reply ? Anonymous PS6 20 Apr 2011 If it doesn't support voice call, then why does it support mp3 ringto...
Compared my xoom with my friend's flyer today. Oh man. E both saw that flyer really lags alot Reply A Andi wrd 13 Jun 2011 This thing cannot make call, but it can send and receive text as well. If this thing can making call it would be great. Reply Post your opinion Sort by...