5 HTC Desire 816G Octa Core This is superb mobile, If I could say is a power pack phablet, so I am not wrong.It is a superb awesome mobile, Hardware & software combination is powerful and you can use everyone their OTG pendrive,Super cool designThanks HTC to design & manufactured th...
confused between htc 816g n prime any1 help me Reply S Sam Sterlin tUq 18 Oct 2014 It is really good. Performance is very nice. Front camera is 5Mp. really worth mobile... Reply D AnonD-321272 wdL 18 Oct 2014 does desire 816g allows you to block messages and calls ? does it...
可以的,不过不影响手机快慢,影响手机快慢的是内存,尽量把软件什么的都移动到SD卡上就好。一般现在的手机SD卡扩展都有8G\16G\32G,但是建议不要装太多的东西,会拖累系统的I/O时间的,甚至可能会死机,有装到四五个G 就差不多了。支持的,可以使用。内存大要求转速高的。太慢会影响手机速度HTC支持...
北京时间2012年9月19日晚23时,HTC于纽约正式发布了旗下首款搭载微软Windows Phone 8操作系统的新机:HTC 8X和HTC 8S。HTC 8X、8S的发布意味着HTC成为继三星、诺基亚之后第三家正式推出Windows Phone 8产品的手机厂商。据中国联通消息人士透露,联通将联合HTC于2012年12月3日上午发布中国市场前两款WP8手机HTC ...
滿滿一箱,打開來有 HTC Desire 816G dual sim、FETCH藍牙定位協尋器、HTC CC C700雙孔車充 外包裝有緩衝的氣泡袋,我迫不及待的想打開了 包裝很像小便當盒有圓角挺可愛精美的,紙盒外還有一層膠膜 當然二話不說拿起美工刀就仔細拆開瞜 打開來是珊瑚橘手機,我覺得比想像中的好看超級多 ...
现在,HTC新渴望家族迎来了与其齐头并进的“实力干将”——HTC Desire 816G,秉承HTC Desire 816的优雅设计,强劲性能配置,以及更具诱惑力的定价,并由苏宁独家重点发售,有望成为新一代销售神话。 HTC Desire 816G承袭新渴望八系的一体成型纤薄机身,仅7.99mm的机身厚度让手机更显轻巧优雅,5.5寸高清大屏清晰展现每个...
今天換少女心為大家帶來好消息囉! 各位使用HTC Desire 816G dual sim的朋友們,可以點進軟體更新,更新軟體版本(1.17.709.002)喔。本次更新包含了下列新增功能與效能改善:- 提升系统性能 - WhatsApp異常修正軟體版本:1.17.709.002關鍵字:HTC Desire 816G dual sim、系統更新、系統性能提升...
Yes its cheap mediatek processor bettr to go for desire 816 not desire 816g Reply ? Anonymous uuJ 14 Oct 2014 AnonD-319324, 14 Oct 2014Are there any problems with the phone?Yes its cheap mediatek processor bettr to go for desire 816 not desire 816g Reply D AnonD-319324 KA4 14 Oct...
I was going to pick the 816G when i realized that a 5.5 inch screen wasn't a necessity, atleast in my perspective. So I went for the 626G+ which had all the same specs(I thought) except a smaller screen and battery. Flipkart said that the retail price was about 16k and that they...