curl IP/download.php HTTP Requests and Responses 1) What is the HTTP method used while intercepting the request? (case-sensitive) GET 2)Send a GET request to the above server, and read the response headers to find the version of Apache running on the server, then submit it as the answer...
sys.exit(1) helpdeskzBaseUrl = sys.argv[1] fileName = sys.argv[2]# 获取服务器的当前时间以防止时区错误 - DoctorEwwr = requests.get(helpdeskzBaseUrl) currentTime =int((datetime.datetime.strptime(r.headers['date'],'%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z') - datetime.datetime(1970,1,1)).tota...
It seems that theDBcollects userreportsand allows support users to keep track of theanswersgiven to requests received. Interestingly, there was a userThomas, with theadministratorrole. The basic idea is to generate a list of accounts based on the possible combinations of the name and surname of...
我们无法通过winrm拿到机器的立足点,smb服务也已经利用过了,只能将目光移回到web服务上面,看一下是否能找到有价值的地方,通过凭证Administrator:playboy69尝试登录管理员界面,管理员这个用户名也是文章前面收集到的信息: 成功登录进来了。 反弹Shell获得立足点 还是前面那篇Joomla!文章,里面也介绍了当攻击者获得管理员凭证...
s = requests.session() r =, verify=False) # SSL == verify=True headersData = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0', 'Authorization': "Bearer %s" % token } postData = { ...
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1 Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-type: text/plain Content-Length: 156 Connection: close AuthInfo: 1nsp3ctTh3Way2Mars! Th3r34r3To0M4nyTrait0r5! B3WithM30r4ga1n5tMe L1k3B1gBut7s@W0rk 0nly7h3y0unGWi11F0l10w ...
# Options to use with curl requests. # For all options, check the official curl documentation here curl_options: verify_peer: true # Various settings about Bolt's built-in localization features. ...
Pull requests CPH:SEC WAES: Web Auto Enum & Scanner - Auto enums website(s) and dumps files as result httpscannernmapreportxss-detectionniktonsewhatwebdump-fileshtbdirbgobusterwaesuniscanwafw00f UpdatedSep 24, 2023 Shell madneal/htb Star67 ...
User-Agent: python-requests/2.22.0 Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate Accept: */* Connection: close Origin: https://backdrop.carpediem.htb:8002 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Referer: https://backdrop.carpediem.htb:8002/?q=user/login ...
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