企业类型: 公司地区:中国 江苏 泰州 主营产品:轴承加热器、感应拆卸器,5-1000T分离式液压千斤顶,手动液压油泵、电动液压油泵,驱动液压扳手、中空液压扳手,扭矩倍增器、数显扭力扳手,电动定扭矩扳手,液压弯管机、电动试压泵,电缆液压钳,液压冲孔机,液压弯排机、液压切排机,组合母线加工机、电力机具,电动坡口机、电...
The core loss characterization in ferrites under strong magnetic fields is studied for high-frequency power converter applications. The measurements show strong dependence of core loss on the magnitude of DC or AC magnetic fields. An induced anisotropy field, due to material composition or applied bia...
手机苏宁 汽车用品>汽车配件>滤清器>昊之鹰(HAO)> 参数对比 图片对比 商品对比 高亮不同项隐藏相同项 昊之鹰空调滤清器 适用于08-12新天籁 、11-13楼兰汽车空调滤芯空调格 左移右移 昊之鹰空调滤清器 适用于北汽威旺M20M20S威旺205206306307威望M30M30SM35M50FM60空调滤芯 ...
The present invention relates on a pet's paw cleaner, including a fresh water container and a sewage container which has at least one open located on the upper part.The object to be washed can insert through the open, the washing element is located at the open.The output of the fresh wa...
代寻艺191#任嘉伦请君#我喜欢你的名字,还有你爱笑的样子@任嘉伦Allen【转发】@米团儿_Allen:任嘉伦超话🍨#任嘉伦陆炎# 💐•#任嘉伦请君# 你的名字,是我读过最短的情诗。我很喜欢你,像春去秋来,海棠花开...
The cars are equipped with brakes and the drum rotates ; alternatively, the drum is stationary and the car has an engine and clutch, or the drum may be rotated intermittently and the cars each have an engine, brake and clutch so that the car may be made to travel over the top of ...