The HT-CLSM used in the experiment was mainly composed of two parts: the laser confocal imaging system and the heating system. The laser confocal imaging system mainly used VL2000DX purple laser, the wavelength was 408 nm, and the resolution could reach 450 nm at high temperature. The heatin...
In-situ observation of ancient co-fusion steelmaking process based on HT-CLSM.doi:10.1038/S41598-020-76326-5Shangxiao QiaoWei QianSpringer Science and Business Media LLC
CLSM、lisa abbott - Timebomb (Al Storm Remix) 专辑: Timebomb (Al Storm Remix) 歌手:CLSMlisa abbott 还没有歌词哦CLSM、lisa abbott - Timebomb (Al Storm Remix) / 已添加到播放列表 1 播放队列/1 1 Timebomb CLSM、lisa abbott 05:14...
拍下赠网套!!全套共12支,完全满足日常妆容的需求啦~?? 它的刷毛是仿生动物毛光峰,虽然是人造毛但是软软的不会扎脸!新买的刷子建议清洗一次后再使用,刷杆尽量不要沾到水,然后再自然风干就可以用了~...展开全文c k收起 f查看大图 m向左旋转 n向右旋转...
COMBINED OF THE CLSM-SEM TECHNIQUES FOR MEASUREMENT AND ANALYSIS OF THE SINGLE GRAIN CUTTING SCRATCH ON INCOLOY ALLOY 800HTConfocal laser scanning microscopyScanning electron microscopyScratch testHard-to-cut materialsKnowledge and understanding of modern machining processes often requires the use of ...