PGE2 inhibited IL-2- as well as IL-4-dependent proliferation of both CTLL-2 and HT2 cells, with IL-4-dependent proliferation being more sensitive than IL-2-dependent proliferation and CTLL-2 cells being more sensitive than HT2 cells. A quantitative dose-effect analysis revealed a two-step ...
These results suggest that T-2 and HT-2, individually and in combination, could induce an intestinal function injury related to an inflammatory response and damage to the intestinal barrier function in porcine intestinal epithelial cells. Additionally, T-2 and HT-2 in combination showed...
通过BeWo细胞在Transwell系统中的生长特性考察,在本实验室条件下成功建立了稳定可靠的胎盘转运细胞模型.通过三项质控标准判断模型的可靠性和稳定性,在根本上保证了试验结果的可靠性和真实性.模型考察结果显示:BeWo细胞以2.24×105 cells/mL...
Metabolism and cytotoxic effects of T-2 toxin and its metabolites on human cells in primary culture. T-2 toxin belongs to the large group of trichothecene mycotoxins synthesized by various Fusarium molds which can infect raw agriculture materials. Among th... Maika Knigs,D Mulac,G Schwerdt,.....
The cumulus cells were removed by repeated pipetting as we need the denuded oocytes for observation. Then, the oocytes were fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde for 30 minutes and permeablized with 1% Triton X-100 at room temperature for at least 8 h. Subsequently, the oocytes were blocked ...
Meanwhile, concentrations as low as 0.5–1 mg/kg affected the epithelial cells of the oral mucous membranes, causing oral lesions, indicating the animals are more sensitive to lesions than impaired growth [22,23]. Moreover, as an irritant, T-2 toxin has caused necrosis of the proventricular...
the specified number of cells 提示 用PBS 填充微孔板最外侧的孔,防止孵育过程中培养基蒸发。 对于HepG2 细胞,>5,000 个细胞的接种密度不会形成良好的球状体。 在接种细胞用于生成球状体之前,确保培养瓶的融合度不要过高。 务必使用间隔均匀的 HepG2 细胞生成球状体。
In addition, the experimentally measured voltage profiles for the injector diode and the accelerating cells were used in these simulations. The current transport from Lamda calculations is compared with Lsp results. 展开 会议名称: 2007 IEEE Pulsed Power Conference: Albuquerque, NM 17-22 June 2007, ...
T-2 toxin;HT-2 toxin;porcine intestinal epithelial cells;inflammation;intestinal barrier Key Contribution:The exposure of T-2 and HT-2 individually and in combination to IPEC-J2 cells caused damage to intestinal barrier function, which contributed to the inflammatory response and decreased expression ...
The splenocytes were fused with SP2 myeloma cells using polyethylene glycol as a fusogen [43]. The exact fusion procedure and further screening, cloning, antibody production and purification procedures are described elsewhere [42]. The study received approval from the Queens University Belfast ...