JDC-HT-50/150单极铜导体滑触线由H型铝合金本体导轨加压V型不锈钢滑接带、PVC绝缘外壳、外置式集电器以及悬吊、固定等组件组合而成。扬州天翔电气该产品以其设计新颖、结构合理、维护方便、使用安全等特点被广泛应用于电流较大、使用频率较高、运行速度快和环境较差的场合。(可以按照要求加工成弯弧) JDC-HT-50/15...
摘要: Vera Wang,the queen of redcarpet dressing,didn't go into the fashion business with stars in her eyes.She knew about its unglamorous(单调乏味的)side,the hard work and,especially,the risks.And she had plenty of doubts along the way.关键词:...
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