为了解决这个问题,google坚持维护了一个“HSTS preload list”的站点域名和子域名,并通过https://hstspreload.appspot.com/提交其域名。该域名列表被分发和硬编码到主流的web浏览器。客户端访问此列表中的域名将主动的使用HTTPS,并拒绝使用HTTP访问该站点。 一旦设置了STS头部或者提交了你的域名到HSTS预加载列表,这是...
If the user directly accesses the parent website, they will never encounter an HSTS policy with an includeSubDomains directive that applies to the entire domain. Major browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, and Edge provide an "HSTS preload list" to address this issue. This list compris...
preload Optional Boolean attribute. Specifies whether the preload directive is included in the Strict-Transport-Security HTTP response header field value. Note: Enable this attribute only if the domain of the site has been submitted for inclusion in the HSTS preload list. The default value is ...
最近没访问过该站并且max-age过期了 为了解决这个问题,google坚持维护了一个“HSTS preload list”的站点域名和子域名,并通过https://hstspreload.appspot.com/提交其域名。该域名列表被分发和硬编码到主流的web浏览器。客户端访问此列表中的域名将主动的使用HTTPS,并拒绝使用HTTP访问该站点。 一旦设置了STS头部或者提...
preloadOptional Boolean attribute. Specifies whether thepreloaddirective is included in theStrict-Transport-SecurityHTTP response header field value. Note:Enable this attribute only if the domain of the site has been submitted for inclusion in the HSTS preload list. ...
}# Because this 'location' block contains another 'add_header' directive,# we must redeclare the STS headerlocation /servlet { add_header X-Served-By"My Servlet Handler"; add_header Strict-Transport-Security"max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains"always; ...
Content-Security-Policy:<policy-directive>;<policy-directive> 1. 其中<policy-directive>由以下部分组成:<directive> <value>没有内部标点符号。 Fetch directives通过获取指令来控制某些可能被加载的确切的资源类型的位置。 具体指令: default-src:默认策略 ...
The preload token directive must be defined. The max-age must be at least 31536000 seconds (one year). The includeSubDomains directive must be defined. If you are serving an additional redirect from your HTTPS site, that redirect must still have the HSTS header rather than the page it...
HSTSHeader{Preload: true, IncludeSubDomains: true, MaxAge: &MaxAge{Seconds: 12345678}}, }, { "single extra directive", "includeSubDomains; max-age=12345678; preload; extraDirective", Issues{Warnings: []Issue{{Code: "header.parse.unknown_directive"}}}, HSTSHeader{Preload: true, IncludeSubDoma...
header.go Typo fixed in missing max-age directive (#142) Feb 5, 2025 header_test.go Wrote EligibleDomain function that checks requirements for domains ac… Jul 18, 2023 issues.go Change header.preloadable.max_age.too_low to `header.preloadable.ma… Oct 12, 2017 issues_test.go Export iss...