ACQUITY UPLC HSS T3,1.8μm,3.0× 150mm ACQUITY UPLC HSS column care and use manual.pdf QuikSep LC-10(二元梯度)分析液相色谱仪 Waters CORTECS UPLC C18反相色谱柱 Waters ACQUITY UPLC BEH C18反相色谱柱 发表在 色谱柱 | 标签为 hss、t、uplc 沃特世 | Waters液相色谱系列,Waters ACQUITY UPLC...
Peptide HSS T3 Column(Peptide HSS T3 色谱柱)设计用于需要硅胶基质选择性或需要增加亲水性肽保留时间的分离。 规格 填料 C18 分离模式 反相 颗粒基质 Silica pH Range Min 2 pH pH Range Max 8 pH Temperature Limits 45 C Maximum Pressure 18000 psi (1240 Bar) ...
3.与100%水相完全兼容。 4.实验室必备色谱柱。 ACQUITY UPLC HSS column care and use manual.pdf QuikSep LC-10(二元梯度)分析液相色谱仪 Waters CORTECS UPLC C18反相色谱柱 Waters ACQUITY UPLC BEH C18反相色谱柱
The universal, silica-based bonded phase used for the ACQUITY HSS T3 sorbents is compatible with 100% aqueous mobile phase and should be your first choice when developing separations for polar and non-polar compounds. The ACQUITY HSS T3 UPLC columns exhi
柱说明书Waters柱柱说明柱子T3柱waters 系统标签: watersendfittingxselectferrulecolumntubing [CareandUseManUal] XSelectHSSHPLCColumns1 Contents I.IntRoDUCtIon II.ConeCtInGtHeCoLUMntotHeHPLCsYsteM a.ColumnConnection b.ColumnConnectorsandSystemTubingConsiderations c.BandSpreadingMinimization d.MeasuringSystemBandSpread...
An ACQUITY Premier Peptide HSS T3 VanGuard FIT Cartridge, 1.8 µm, 2.1 X 5mm is a replacement VanGuard FIT Cartridge for an ACQUITY Premier Peptide HSS T3 Column with the Premier VanGuard FIT column design (p/n:'s:186010721, 186010722, 186010723). E
nanoEase M/Z HSS T3 Trap Column, 100Å, 1.8 µm, 300 µm X 100 mm columns are designed for optimal performance for nano- to micro scale liquid chromatographic separation, offering the highest possible sensitivity, resolution and reproducibility for
nanoEase M/Z HSS T3 Trap Column, 100Å, 1.8 µm, 300 µm X 100 mm columns are designed for optimal performance for nano- to micro scale liquid chromatographic separation, offering the highest possible sensitivity, resolution and reproducibility for biomarker discovery...
Product Description The HSS T3 column is a fully endcapped, low-coverage C18 bonded-phase column designed to retain extremely polar compounds by reversed-phase in high aqueous mobile phases. Specifications Chemistry C18 Separation Mode Reversed Phase Particle Substrate ...
1.通用型色谱柱,不同的分离选择性。 2.既可用于反相分离,也可用于正相分离。 ACQUITY UPLC HSS column care and use manual.pdf QuikSep LC-10(二元梯度)分析液相色谱仪 Waters ACQUITY UPLC BEH C18反相色谱柱 Waters ACQUITY UPLC HSS T3反相色谱柱...