High Security Seal Charge (HSS) with effective from June 15th2011 Dear Valued Customers: To streamline our customer service process as well as simplify container pick-up procedure at depot, with effective June 15th, 2011 onwards, HSS will be collected under OOCL Bill of Lading instead of through...
HSS具有多种含义。可以表示为HSS服务器、工业术语高速钢、总降压变电所或安全软件等。归属签约用户服务器(Home Subscriber Server,HSS)是3GPP在R5引入IMS时提出的概念,其功能与HLR类似但更加强大,支持更多接口,可以处理更多的用户信息。HSS是英文High speed steels的缩写,相应的中文名是高速钢,高速钢...