The analysis results indicated that the bending capacity of the corner column connections decreased with D / t and n increase but increased with h / b increase. In addition, the coupling effect degraded the bearing capacity of corner column joints, which was most significant at a loading ratio...
the beam flanges were connected with the column through cover plate. The rigid and half-rigid beam-to-column connections can be achieved by adjusting the number and size of the bolts. The connection can be rigid in a weak earthquake, yet the cover plate and beam flange can slip over each...
through-diaphragm connectionsconcrete-filled rectangular tube columnHSS beammechanical modelshear strengthshear stiffnessdesignThe through-diaphragm connection detail has been identified as a good choice for attaching HSS beams to concrete-filled rectangular tube columns in engineering applications. In this ...
2) Split and splice the HSS column at the connection. See the through plate connection (example 4.2 in the AISC Design Guide on HSS connections) 3) Use some form of a haunched connection to reduce the weld demand. 4) Some form of an end plate connection or side plate connection. Up...
In this study, behavior of box beam-to-column connections with/without continuity plates, with external stiffener in two states with/without concrete (CFT/HSS) inside the column and finally reinforced connection by horizontal bar mats in CFT (Concrete Filled Tube) column have been studied by ...
This research study aims to evaluate the cyclic response of wide-flange beam - to - rectangular HSS column connections through experimental tests. Six steel moment connections are tested with three different configurations of the diaphragms: through diaphragm connections, external diaphragm connections, ...
Tests are described in which short, rectangular steel columns filled with concrete are loaded to failure under axial load. Part of the load is applied at typical beam connections within the column length; and part is applied at the top, representing the load from upper stories of a building....
COLUMNBEAMTEE STUBEXPERIMENTALTen full-scale specimens consisting of wide-flange beams shear connected by means of tee stubs to hollow structural section (HSS) column faces were tested. Shear–displacement and shear–rotation behaviour were documented and five possible failure modes were identified for ...
The experimental results showed a considerable effect of the end plate thickness on the structural behaviour of the connection and the connected beam. Moreover, the fire tests have revealed different connection failure modes, such as excessive end plate deformations, column buckling, and bolts ...
Earthquake Resistant Post-Tensioned Connections to Concrete Filled HSS ColumnsLarge-scale subassembly tests were conducted to investigate the behavior of an innovative posttensioned wide flange beam-to-column moment connection for steel moment resisting frames with concrete-filled HSS columns subjected to ...