" you can unlock Path of The Hunt for March 7th. It is recommended that Trailblazers prioritize participating in the event "Saga of Primaveral Blade" after unlocking March 7th's Path of The Hunt.
- Fixes the issue where, after the character Blade (Destruction: Wind) is equipped with the Light Cone "The Unreachable Side (Destruction)" and becomes the Debt Collector, the DMG Boost effect of the Light Cone ability "Unfulfilled Yearning" does not function correctly in certain circumstances....
"sleep-like-the-dead": "Мертвецкийсон", "something-irreplaceable": "Что-тонезаменимое", "the-unreachable-side": "Недоступнаясторона", "time-waits-for-no-one": "Времяникогонеждёт", "worrisome-blissful": ...
+ "day-one-of-my-new-life": "Первыйденьмоейновойжизни", + "eyes-of-the-prey": "Взгляджертвы", + "geniuses-repose": "Отдыхгениев", + "good-night-and-sleep-well": "Спокойнойночиимирногосна...