Relic: Poet of Mourning Collapse (4-piece) Planar Ornament: Bone Collection’s Serene Demesne Main Stats: Crit Damage % (Body), HP % (Boots), HP % (Sphere), ERR % (Link Rope) Light Cone: If Time Were a Flower (5-star), Memories of the Past (4-star) Team: Feixiao, Tribbie, ...
"mainstat": "ATK", "substats": [ { "key": "ATK_", "value": 4.3 }, { "key": "DEF_", "value": 4.3 }, { "key": "CRIT DMG_", "value": 5.8 } ], "location": "", "lock": false, "discard": false, "_uid": "relic_2" } ], "characters": [ { "id": "1001",...
DeleteRelic: ButtonText: Deletar relíquia Warning_one: Deletar a relíquia selecionada? Warning_other: "Deletar as {{count}} relíquias selecionadas?" AddRelic: Adicionar Nova Relíquia RelicInsights: NewStats: "Novos atributos: " UpgradedStats: "Atributos melhorados: " 16 changes: 13 additions ...
as you get most of them free from the Simulated Universe. She is a decent character with good AoE damage Skill and Ultimate. Additionally, she does AoE Follow-up attack when an enemy hits 50% or lower health. She is very good in the early game and the Ashblazing Grand Duke Relic set ...
Relic data includes: Set ID Set name Slot (Head, hands, body, feet, etc.) Rarity Main stat Substats Character ID that it is currently equipped on Locked Discarded Character data includes: Character ID Name Level Ascension Eidolon Skill levels ...
- Main stats will never have an underscore suffix. - Substats are sorted in the order of: `HP, ATK, DEF, HP%, ATK%, DEF%, SPD, CRIT Rate, CRIT DMG, Effect Hit Rate, Effect RES, Break Effect`. This ordering applies for every relic with the exception of newly upgraded relics, whi...
When bringing over allowed sets to the relic tab, also set the "Enhance" and "Grade" filters based on what is chosen in the optimize tab. Perhaps something similar can be done for the "Main stats" and "substats" filters, as at least the former can be set in the optimize tab, but ...
enhance: relic.level, equippedBy: (, grade: relic.rarity, id: uuidv4(), part: getSlot(relic.pos), set: getSet(, main: { stat: getStat(relic.main_property.property_type), value: readValue(relic.main_property.value), }, substats: sub...
- Optimizes the Relic Filter function and supports saving Filter Schemes. Trailblazers can review the character's recommended Relic set, rarity, Main Stat, and Subsidiary Stats on the Relic page, and select these criteria to filter Relics. After filtering, you can save the current filter scheme...
import { Parts, Stats } from 'lib/constants/constants' import { SingleRelicByPart } from 'lib/gpu/webgpuTypes' import { ComputedStatsObjectExternal } from 'lib/optimization/computedStatsArray' import { ComputedStatsArray } from 'lib/optimization/computedStatsArray' import { SimulationStatUpgrade }...