+ pulse(0 1 0 0.1n 0.1n 0.9n 2n)|W1 in gnd out gnd SMODEL=smodel N=1 l=0.3|+ NODEMAP =I1O1.MODEL smodel S TSTONEFILE=w.s2P + XLINELENGTH=0.3 XLINELEN 30、GTH 表明的是所用 S参数来自的系统模型的线长。A must term for .sp Welement.opt accurate post .opiton accurate 自动...
? ? DC AC Transient (time varying) – Pulse – SIN – PWL ? Data Driven (Imported as time/value pairs) ? ? – AM (single frequency AM) – SFFM (single frequency FM) – EXP (exponential function) Mixed (composite) Digital input element Sources: Independent: DC, AC ? Syntax Vxxx n...
6、ind the syntax errors or measurement result note: use Ctrl-F to locate the target 05 if there are errors, modify the .sp files(Edit NL) then go to step 3 06 open Avanwaves(可以跳转到上面看) to see the waves().sp文件的编写(文件中的大小写没关系)1 单元子电路网表的编写(例子:nand...
? ? ? DC AC Transient (time varying) – Pulse – SIN – PWL ? Data Driven (Imported as time/value pairs) ? ? –AM (single frequency AM) – SFFM (single frequency FM) – EXP (exponential function) Mixed (composite) Digital input element Sources: Independent: DC, AC ? Syntax Vxxx ...
differential pin si_259 疑问 si_261 一个完好的使用 ibis 的例子 si_262 Hspice 创立 buffer si_263 buffer_name = cname_ pin_name syntax file= ’’ component= ’ component_name ’ package = [0|1|2|3] 0 不把封装参数 RLC package 加入到元件中使用 ibis 中定义的 RLC package 增添 ibs ...
SYNTAX: intfmDelayDrive(delay,port_id,w,l) Forthiscommand,intisthedatatypeofthefunctionanddelay, port_id,w,andlareuser-determinedparameters. Preface: xx DESCRIPTION: Eachfunctiondescriptionincludesatablethatprovidesthedatatype anddescriptionforeachfunctionparameter. DataTypeParameterDescription doubledelayDelay...
大学-HSPICE使用教程 SPICEOverviewCircuitSimulationBackground 大学-HSPICE使用教程 SPICEBackground SPICEOverview SimulationProgramwithIntegratedCircuitEmphasis DevelopedbyUniversityofCalifornia/Berkeley,1972Simulationinsteady-state,transient,andfrequencydomainsWidelyadopted,becomedefactostandard SBTSPICE,HSPICE,Spectre,TSPICE,...
HSPICE 简明使用手册 水平有限,如有错误请予以改正。还有很多的功能不太了解,希望大 家都来补充完善。谢谢!大家也可以把一些自己在调试过程中的bug 汇总到一起,给大家作参考。方便以后少犯这种错误,最好加上为什 么错了,如何改正。我会建立一个名字为 our_bugs_go_away 的文件 夹来放大家调试过程中的bug 。
13、5 100U 5 110U 0) r 间隔时间 Pulse Vname N1 N2 PULSE(V1 V2 TD Tr Tf PW Period),4.子电路,下面是由前面举例的CMOS反相器组成的三级反相器链网表: .global vdd .SUBCKT INV IN OUT wn=1.2u wp=1.2u Mn out in 0 0 NMOS W=wn L=1.2u Mp out in vdd vdd PMOS W=wp L=1.2u ....