-phasevp(out0) CellCharacterization:TypicalDataSheetParameters 1-9 Theexampleisbasedonthedemonstrationfilethatislocatedinthe followingdirectory:$installdir/demo/apps/alm124.sp. Thiampleoutputsthefollowingresults: unitfreq=9.0786E+05targ=9.0786E+05trig=1.0000E+00 phasemargin=6.6403E+01 gain(db)=9.9663E...
HSPICE辅助设计辅助设计 2010.9 OUTLINE SPICEOverviewSimulationInput&ControlsSources&StimuliAnalysisTypesOutputHspui&WaveviewExerciseTips SPICEOverviewCircuitDesignBackground topredictthecircuit/systemcharacteristicaftermanufacture SPICEOverviewCircuitSimulationBackground SPICEOverviewSPICEBackground SimulationProgramwithIntegrated...
北京大学--HSPICE2010使用教程.ppt,Output .MEAS(URE) Measurement Modes: Rise, Fall, Delay AVG, RMS, MIN, MAX, P-P Find-When for details: HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options Output .MEAS (Rise, Fall, Delay) .MEAS DC|AC|TRAN measure_name +T
HSPICE Reference Manual: Simulation and Analysis Analysis Types .DC to calculate transfer curves *NMOS M1 2 1 0 0 NOS W=10U l=2U V_GS 1 0 V_DS 2 0 .OPT POST .PRINT DC I(M1) .DC V_DS 0 5 0.1 V_GS 0 5 1 .MODEL NOS NMOS LEVEL=2 ...
19、n freq, phase margin, DC gainqbandwidth, quality factorHSPICE DemoOscillator for example.option list node nomod.ic V(1)=5.global VDD.param Lm=0.5u Wn=0.7u Wp=1.2u.tran 0.1n 5nVdd VDD 0 5.subckt inverter in outMp out in VDD VDD mod2 W=Wp L=LmMn out in 0 0 mod1 W=Wn...
On that plot, it’s rather straightforward to get low-frequency gain, unit gain frequency, phase margin etc. To simulate CMRR, you need to change the AC source in your circuit. Put the following statements just before the .end statement. Now the AC source is applied as a common mode sig...
-phasevp(out0) CellCharacterization:TypicalDataSheetParameters 1-9 Theexampleisbasedonthedemonstrationfilethatislocatedinthe followingdirectory:$installdir/demo/apps/alm124.sp. Thiampleoutputsthefollowingresults: unitfreq=9.0786E+05targ=9.0786E+05trig=1.0000E+00 phasemargin=6.6403E+01 gain(db)=9.9663E...
大学-HSPICE使用教程 SPICEOverviewCircuitSimulationBackground 大学-HSPICE使用教程 SPICEBackground SPICEOverview SimulationProgramwithIntegratedCircuitEmphasis DevelopedbyUniversityofCalifornia/Berkeley,1972Simulationinsteady-state,transient,andfrequencydomainsWidelyadopted,becomedefactostandard SBTSPICE,HSPICE,Spectre,TSPICE,...
HSPICE辅助设计 2010.9 OUTLINE SPICEOverview SimulationInput&Controls Sources&Stimuli AnalysisTypesOutputHspui&WaveviewExerciseTips SPICEOverview CircuitDesignBackground topredictthecircuit/systemcharacteristicaftermanufacture SPICEOverview CircuitSimulationBackground SPICEOverview SPICEBackground ...
HSPICE Reference Manual: Simulation and Analysis Analysis Types .DC to calculate transfer curves *NMOS M1 2 1 0 0 NOS W=10U l=2U V_GS 1 0 V_DS 2 0 .OPT POST .PRINT DC I(M1) .DC V_DS 0 5 0.1 V_GS 0 5 1 .MODEL NOS NMOS LEVEL=2 ...