This was for determining the hypothetical rent concerning the unoccupied, unsold flats held by the assessee, a Builder. Whether you’re a trailblazing developer crafting inventive projects or an eager homebuyer chasing after your dream residence, understanding GST remains a fundamental element for ...
GST Rate for HSN Code 7214: Under the Goods and Services Tax regime in India, each HSN code is associated with a specific tax rate. As for the HSN code 7214, it falls under the purview of the GST rate applicable to iron and steel products. As of my knowledge cutoff date in September...
What impact can the GST rate for aluminum structures have on construction projects? The GST rate for aluminum structures can increase the cost of construction projects that require the use of these structures. However, input tax credit can help reduce the overall cost. ...
GST RATE ON SAC CODE - 998818 IS 18% Services Accounting Codes (SAC Codes) 998818 is used for the Beverage manufacturing services under the Goods and Service Tax classification. Therefore, the HSN code for job work will be a Service Accounting Code(SAC). Here are some of the services fall...