The HSN code list is organised into 21 sections, covering a wide range of commodities. Here’s a breakdown of the chapters and the major commodities covered in each: Section Chapter Commodities HSN Code GST Rates (%) I 01-05 Live animals; animal products 0101-0511 0%, 5%, 12%...
HSN code finder HSN/SAC code list with GST rates Use this HSN and SAC code finder to get the HSN and SAC codes you need. You’ll also find the IGTS and SGST/UTGST rates which apply to the goods or services you’re importing. Just filter by product or service name to get the HSN...
Click here to Download List of HSN Code and SAC Code HSN codes for GST in India All the states in the country have their own tax system for classifying the goods tax rate. But with GST regime there will be an uniformity all over the state which will harmonize the system of HSN for ...
Analyze 7,857 HSN Code 03062400 export shipments from India to China till Dec-24. Export data includes Buyers, Suppliers, Pricing, Qty & Contacts.
First included in: Main/HSNCodeTable_IN (this entity) Properties NameValue dataFormatstring Traits List of traits for the Chapter attribute are listed below. is.dataFormat.character is.dataFormat.big is.dataFormat.array is.dataFormat.character ...
India imports HSN Code 0105 from over 123 countries globally. Turkey , Brazil , and Pakistan are the leading suppliers, accounting for 55% of India's total HSN Code 0105 imports. Turkey tops the list with 9,648 shipments, which equates to a 22% market share. It's closely followed by...
An established system for naming, categorising, and identifying products is known as the Harmonized System of Nomenclature (HSN). Read this blog to learn about paint HSN code.
Top 10 HSN Code 84158191 Exporting Countries Requires Paid Subscription World imports HSN Code 84158191 from over 19 countries globally. Indonesia , Thailand , and China are the leading suppliers. Indonesia tops the list with 363 shipments, which equates to a 39% market share. It's closely...
First included in: Tax/TaxHSNCodeEntity (this entity) Properties Expand table NameValue dataFormat string isNullable true Traits List of traits for the CountryExtension attribute are listed below. is.dataFormat.character is.dataFormat.big is.dataFormat.array is.nullable The attribute ...
Backend untuk project code share (seperti Pastebin) dengan bahasa pemrograman GO dan MongoDB sebagai databasenya. Program ini saya buat untuk tujuan belajar bahasa pemrograman GO dan MongoDB.Frontend: ...