在woocommerce的PDF發票中獲取HSN代碼 (get HSN Code in Pdf invoice in woocommerce) 我嘗試在線搜索並聯繫插件作者,他說可以使用 WordPress get post meta 來檢索它。 我正在使用一個名為 woo‑gst 的插件來添加產品屬性稱為“prod_hsn_id”,它在產品編輯頁面添加了一個名為 HSN 代碼的文件,我還使用一個名...
The bq2014H latches the command code when eight valid command bits have been received by the bq2014H. The command code contains two fields: Command address The following eight bits should be written to the register specified by the address portion of command code. Command Code Bits 7 - 6 ...