Photographic or Cinematographic goods The information provided below about HSN codes are used for GST purpose to classify goods. You may reconfirm with GST authorities whether your product HSN code is classified correctly below. The HSN codes under 02 digits, 04 digits, 06 digits and 08 digits ex...
7.Consolidation cargo (collect goods from your different suppliers and arrange as one shipment)8.Warehousing/Storage service.9.Repacking service,Bar Code Label Printing & Scanning.10.Dropshipping to protect your business secret.DHL: It is currently one of th...
There are risks of damage to the kayak during shipment due to the container share with other goods. 2, Q:How to handle sample order? Suppose you insist on take one sample before take FCL order, we need to charge extra fees to cover our sample operation fees and stronger packa...