The information provided below about HSN codes are used for GST purpose to classify goods. You may reconfirm with GST authorities whether your product HSN code is classified correctly below. The HSN codes under 02 digits, 04 digits, 06 digits and 08 digits explains and classifies broadly for ea...
Understand what HSN codes are, their structure, and their significance in GST compliance. Learn how to identify and use HSN codes for your business.
All the goods and services to be used inIndia GSTare classified by an HSN code (Harmonized System of Nomenclature) and by the SAC (Service Accounting Codes) and will help to remove the hurdle/obstacle in the international trade. In addition, these HSN and SAC codes have been used in invo...
HSN code 7419 91 00 Cast, moulded, stamped or forged, but not further worked 7419 99 Other: HSN code 7419 99 10 Reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers of a capacity above 300 litres HSN code 7419 99 20 Articles of copper alloys electroplated with nickel-silver HSN code 7419 99 3...