The 8-digit HSN code might be 0406.90.10. The HSN breaks down as follows: 04: Chapter (Dairy Produce...) 04.06: Heading (Cheese and Curd...) 0406.90: Subheading (Processed Cheese...) 0406.90.10: Tariff Item (Specific type of processed cheese as per Indian tariff schedu...
The HSN code aids in determining the quantity of all items imported or traded through a nation. The Importance of the HSN Code While the primary purpose of the HSN code is the systematic classification of goods, it can also be used to gather data and solve problems that would otherwise be ...
*Packing for frozenfoods(meat, dairy, poultry)and seafood. *Vacuum packaging of sausages, fish or bones,candies, spices,coffee,tea,nuts, etc. * Embossed vacuum packaging. *Cosmetics and scour packing, *electronics products and *clothes, gloves, other various applications Kindly Reminde...
agricultural product processing, dairy production, pharmaceutical processing and logistics, beverage production and processing, beer production and cooling, large-scale logistics storage, chemical product cooling, leather manufacturing, injection ...