Get all 6 digit and 8 digit codes and their GST Rates under HSN Code 3917 Tubes, pipes, and hoses, and fittings therefor, e.g. joints, elbows, flanges, of plastics Products Include: Pvc Waste Pipes
3U3917 四川航空 16:05 TFU 8.4h 20:30 DXB SMT-TF- 甚麼時候機票價格最便宜? 價格趨勢圖讓您可以直至在起飛前追蹤航班價格的變動,並協助您選擇預訂機票的最佳時機。查看由舟山飛往杜拜的航班價格變動趨勢。 所顯示之價格按 上相關航線每星期最低平均價格計算。
Tubes, pipes and hoses, and fittings Therefor (for example, Joints, Elbows, Flanges), of plastics 3917 18% Floor coverings of plastics, whether Or not self-adhesive, in rolls or in the form of tiles; wall or ceiling coverings of plastics, as defined in note 9 to This chapter 3918 18...
3917 32,656 8479 29,652 8207 29,560 8529 29,184 7312 28,593 9018 27,611 8518 26,895 8466 25,451 7320 25,173 7217 24,148 7326 22,870 8311 21,888 7408 20,284 8448 18,726 9405 17,591 8515 16,599 7505 16,360 7223 15,635 ...
3917 32,656 8479 29,652 8207 29,560 8529 29,184 7312 28,593 9018 27,611 8518 26,895 8466 25,451 7320 25,173 7217 24,148 7326 22,870 8311 21,888 7408 20,284 8448 18,726 9405 17,591 8515 16,599 7505 16,360 7223 15,635View...
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GST has made filing returns extremely simple and straightforward. Using the table above, you can easily look up the tax rate for the kind of plastic you are filing a return for. How Deskera Can Guide You? Discover how you can combine accounting, finances, inventory, and much more, under ...