出版社: 人民教育出版社 ISBN:9787107304217 版次:1 商品编码:11844760 包装:平装 外文名称:Test Syllabus 开本:16开 出版时间:2015-09-01 用纸:胶版纸 页数:76 字数:105000 正文语种:中文HSK考试大纲 四级 [Test Syllabus] epub 下载 mobi 下载 pdf 下载 txt 电子书 下载 2025 ...
HSK 1 VOCABULARY | TEST SAMPLE The HSK 1 exam tests your ability to understand the basic Mandarin Chinese words and phrases. In the exam, both Pinyin and Hanzi will be used. All the vocabulary, along with a test paper are attached in the PDF. Nihao Language education has prepared the Chi...
This is a real H41007 Chinese test. One of the most important study tools to learn the Chinese language according to HSK4 standard. Download this HSK4 Chinese test (sample H41007) now! This HSK4 Mandarin Chinese words test is suitable to score well for your HSK exam. Since this HSK4...
There are 5000 Chinese words you need to learn to pass the HSK level 6 test. (2500 new words + 2500 HSK 5 words) Download PDF You can achieve HSK6 fluency faster through our extensive graded readers collection for HSK6. NoChinesePinyinEnglish 1 挨 ái Next to 2 癌症 áizhèng cancer ...
Are you studying for your HSK4 Chinese Exam and looking for real sample papers? This is test H41007, an official and useful example of the Chinese test incl audio and answers.Formats de fichiers gratuits disponibles:.pdf Ce document a été certifié par un professionnel 100...
themeandgrammar includingthesampletestsinoutline,makesitclearthatthetestcontentof Sentence-makingisgivenprioritytovocabularywithverbs,pictureswithallkindsof behaviororofexpressionasthetopicandgrammarsofthebasicusageofwordsand sentencepatterns.Onthebasisofthesecondchapter,thethirdoneanalyzesthe questionsofSentence-...
HSK 1 VOCABULARY | TEST SAMPLE The HSK 1 exam tests your ability to understand the basic Mandarin Chinese words and phrases. In the exam, both Pinyin and Hanzi will be used. All the vocabulary, along with a test paper are attached in the PDF. Nihao Language education has prepared the Chi...
HSK(Advanced). The oral test employs recording.HSK (I) assesses the learner’s ability of the daily Chinese language, which corresponds with International Chinese Proficiency Standards band 1 and the CEF A1. Candidates who have passed HSK (I) are supposed to understand and use sim- ple ...
Downloadable HSK 2 Vocab PDF and Excel List + Quiz Sheets HSK 2 Test Introduction The HSK 2 is the second level of the Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi, or Chinese Proficiency Test. It doubles the 150 words of the HSK 1 with a total of 300 words. While still equivalent to a relatively low level...