The HSK Advanced Level Speaking Test assesses the test takers’ ability to express themselves orally in Chinese. It is the counterpart of the Level V of the HSK Written Exam. Test takers who are able to pass the HSK Speaki...
This section consists of a 4-5 sentence dialogue or monologue followed by one or two questions. Four possible answers will be provided on the test paper, from which the test taker can choose the best one. II.Reading Comprehension (40 items/40mins) Part I, 10 items (46-50) One or two...
HSK 4 –1,200 words HSK 5 –2,500 words HSK 6 –5,000 words Why is the written test harder than the computer test? We believe the computer test is a favourable choice because it cuts down the chance of losing marks and points on your exam paper. If you take the written test you...
Level 6:can easily comprehend written and spoken information in Chinese and can effectively express themselves in Chinese, both orally and on paper. Test Structure and Content Score and Result Certificate The New HSK Updates The New HSK will now launch its new HSK 7, 8 and 9 levels and exam...
HSK Level 4 HSK Level 5 HSK Level 6 HSK Mock Test Now Start 2021 HSK Test Dates 2021 HSK Test DatesDeadline for RegistrationDate of Results Announced Paper-basedInternet-basedPaper-basedInternet-based Jan 9 (Sat)Dec 13, 2020Dec 30 , 2020Feb 9Jan 25 ...
There are two different forms of exam,paper-based test(笔试bǐ shì) andinternet-based test( 网考wǎng kǎo, or 网络考试 wǎng luò kǎo shì). Internet-Based HSK Test Dates 2024 ※ Score announcement delayed for one week due to festival vacation. ...
Description This app is free to use HSK test with real exam paper include all level from 1 to 6. It is also provide new words for self learn with quiz. Feature: + HSK 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 with Listening, Reading and Writing sections. ...
This app is free to use HSK test with real exam paper include all level from 1 to 6. It is also provide new words for self learn with quiz. Feature: + HSK 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 with Listening, Reading and Writing sections. + YCT 1, 2, 3, 4 with Listening, Reading and Writing...
1、There are4pages in this exam paper;Answer all questions. 2、Exam Time:100minutes; 3、Name and roll number are written in the appointed place. 4、Please write neatly and keep your paper tidy, or the teacher can refuse to check your paper. Part Ⅰ(一--三) Ⅱ(四--五) Ⅲ(六--八...
2. Candidates need to bring these items on the exam day: 请携带报名时使用的证件原件(和报名的证件一致)、准考证(A4纸打印)、2B铅笔(2支以上)、橡皮。 Original Identity document you used for registration(Consistent with the registered document),admissio...