Before you take HSK level 2, you must have mastered 300 commonly used words and related grammar patterns in this HSK 2 vocabulary list.
New HSK 3.0 includes 11092 vocabulary words in total, with 3 levels and 9 bands. You can access each level of vocabulary list with Pinyin and English.
内容提示: 1 / 19 新新 HSK(二(二级)词汇级)词汇——(汉语(汉语-英语)英语) New HSK Level 2 Vocabulary (Chinese-English) 序号序号 No. 词词 Word 拼音拼音 Pinyin 词类词类 Parts of Speech 词译文词译文 Meaning of the Word 例句例句 Example 1 【爱】 ài v. love 妈妈,我~你。 v. like ...
They should have a vocabulary of approximately 300 words. Not Sure What Your Chinese Level Is? Take a quick and free Placement Test here Download and Practice HSK 2 PDF Audio Player 00:00 00:00 Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease ...
HSK2-vocabulary list HSK Level-Order Word Pronunciation Definition 1-1 爱ai4 to love; affection; to be fond of; to like 1-2 八ba1 eight; 8 1-3 爸爸ba4 ba5 (informal) father; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4]2-4 吧ba5 (modal particle indicating polite suggestion); ...right?; ...OK...
HSK2 VOCABULARY 新HSK(二级)词汇——(汉语-英语)New HSK Level 2 Vocabulary (Chinese-English)1 / 19
HSK 2 Vocabulary List There are 150 Chinese words you need to learn to pass the HSK level 1 test. Download PDF You can achieve HSK1 fluency faster through our extensivegraded readers collection for HSK1. NoChinesePinyinEnglish Personal Pron. ...
HSK2Vocabulary HSK(二级)词汇共300 个 1.名词(112个)(1)jiā家 xuãxiào学校 fàndiàn饭店 shāngdiàn商店 yīyuàn 医院 huǒchēzhàn火车站 Zhōngguï中国 Běijīng北京 gōngsī公司 jīchǎng 机场 jiàoshì教室 fángjiān 房间lù路 (2)shàng上 xià下 qiánmian...
Below is the new words HSK 3 Vocabulary List. You can find and free download the full list at the bottom of this article. ABC 1 Chinese Pinyin English 2 阿姨 āyí aunt 3 啊 a ah 4 矮 ǎi short 5 爱好 àihào hobby 6 安静 ānjìng quiet 7 把 bǎ hold 8 班 bān class 9 搬 ...
Китайскийсловарь HSK 2 скартинками: HSK 1 Visual Vocabulary Play List - YouTube China Hsk 25 4月 2020·in HSK K Мыпредлагаемуслуги , занятияпо...