The test taker should select one of the words in the answer section to fill in the blank. 试卷上的试题都加拼音。 All items on the test paper are shown in pinyin. 成绩报告Results Certificate HSK(一级)成绩报告提供听力、阅读和总分三个分数。...
There are 3 items in Part I. The recording of a passage will be played, and the test taker should repeat the content. There is 1 item in Part II. There will be a passage on the test paper, and the test taker shou...
Paper-based Test (笔试bǐ shì) You will be required to sit at a desk with the question papers and answer sheets in an official HSK test center. You will need to write your answers in either 2B-pencil or pen. Internet-based Test (网考 wǎng kǎo) You need to register for a netw...
◎ Part IV consists of 5 questions. Candidates will hear 1 sentence and 1 question for each question. There are 3 options on the test paper. Candidates should choose the answer according to what they hear. 2. Reading ◎ Part I consists of 5 questions. Each question has a picture and a...
HSK mock test online for HSK Test preparation. HSK recourses with HSK vocabulary, grammar and HSK tutorial course.
Nov 15 (Sat)Oct 19Nov 5Dec 15 / Dec 1 Dec 7 (Sun)Nov 10Nov 27Jan 7, 2026 / Dec 22 2025 HSK Speaking Test Dates DateDeadline for registrationDate of results announced Paper and Pencil TestInternet-based Test Jan 12 (Sun)Dec 16, 2024Jan 2Feb 19 / Feb 10 ...
Test DatesDeadline for RegistrationDate of Results Announced Paper-basedInternet-basedPaper-basedInternet-based Jan 9 (Sat)Dec 13, 2020Dec 30 , 2020Feb 9Jan 25 Feb 6 (Sat)Jan 10Jan 27Mar 13※Mar 1※ Mar 7 (Sun)-Feb 25-Mar 22 ...
This section consists of a 4-5 sentence dialogue or monologue followed by one or more questions. Four possible answers will be provided on the test paper. The test take must choose the best answer out of the four.2. Reading Comprehension...
3. Test Registration In the test center, you need to select the level (1 up to 6), form (paper-based or Internet based test), and pick a test center and test date. Some centers only arrange Internet based tests, if you are looking for paper based test, be sure to check the detail...
HSK Test Dates 2025 TheHSK( 汉语水平考试HànyǔShuǐpíngKǎoshì), orthe Chinese Proficiency Testis an international standardized exam which tests and rates Chinese language proficiency. MoreHSKintroduction. There are two different forms of exam,paper-based test(笔试bǐ shì) andinternet-based test...