Answer: BAB Analysis: 1. Zhì zuò yī fu shì hěn fù zá de yí jiàn shì. 1. 制 作衣服是 很 复杂的一件 事。 Making clothes is a complicated business. “Zhì zuò (制作)” is a set phrase in the sentence. “zhì zuò (制作)” and “zuò (做)” mean the same in Chinese:...
HSK Sample Test Answer: See a Doctor (Threshold) Threshold 入门级 (rù mén jí) The correct answer for this HSK test question is A. Here is the translation: A: I have a headache and feel bad today. B: Then, how about I go with you to see a doctor? Analysis: A. “看病 (kànb...
107重新chóng xīn【重新考虑】Again,re(do)108抽烟chōu yān Smoke(a cigarette or a pipe)109出chū【我要出门一趟。】Go or come out 【出题目】Set,put up 【一出戏】a dramatic piece,an opera,a play 【这个机器出问题了。】arise,happen 110出差chūchāi【他刚刚出差回来。】business travel...
24.答案dáànanswer, solution, key 25.打扰dá rǎo disturb 26.大约dà yuēabout, approximately 27.代表dài biǎo delegate, representative 28.到底dào dǐwhat actually happened 29.道歉dào qiànapologize 30.得到dédàoget, obtain, 31.烦恼fán nǎobe worried, vexation 32.范围fàn wéiscope, ext...
answer,key,solution 搭配:标准答案a correct answer;得到答案to get an answer 例句:李红手里拿着的才是标准答案。Li Hong has the correct answer. 我一直没有找到能让我满意的答案。I haven’t found the satisfactory answer yet. 65.打扮dǎbɑn动/名(v./n.)make/dress up;style/way of dressing ...
新hsk1级考试 第1篇 新员工入厂级安全生产培训教育考试题 姓名:性别:年龄:部门:工种:学历:入厂时间: 一、填空题:(60分,每空2分) 1、我国安全生产方针是(安全第一)、(预防为主)、(综合治理)。 2、我国的消防方针是(预防为主)、(防消结合)。 3、企业新员工上岗前必须进行的三级安全教育是指:事业部级...
students rush through the instructions and miss key details that can lead to mistakes. The wording of questions can sometimes give you clues about the correct answer, so take the time to read each instruction carefully. Understand the format of each question before you begin answering. This will...
B C D E F xīngfèng1.兴奋 fānyì4.翻译 shuòshì2.硕士 lā5.拉 kùn3.困 tǎng6.躺 课文一 1.1 礼拜天lǐbàitiān 空儿 kòngr 母亲 mǔqīn 不过永远方向 búguòyǒngyuǎnfāngxiàng n.Sundayn.freetime,sparetimen.motherconj.but,yetadv.forevern.direction,orientation ❖礼拜天——星期...
23.粗心cūpropect, guardxīn careless, thoughtlessb4.保护ǎo hù24.抱歉5.bào qiàn excuse me, apology答案dáàn answer, solution, key o disturb rǎpassivity25.打扰dá被动6.bèi dònɡ7.必须about, approximately yuē26.大约dàbìxūmust, have to o i biǎ代表dàì8.必需b xūneeds, necessary...
Contains HSK 3.0 (HSK 1 to HSK 9) Hanzi, Handwritten, Words and Grammar list, also contains list for Anki decks, with frequency, pinyin, zhuyin and meaning. - HSK-3.0/Scripts and data/10k Mandarin.txt at main · krmanik/HSK-3.0