Instructions for Use 这本手册将能帮助您: The manual will help you: ➢ 识别现场的安全隐患; ➢ Identify the potential safety hazards; ➢ 降低现场作业的安全风险; ➢ Reduce the safety hazards for the site operation; and ➢ 保护班组成员安全与健康。 ➢ Protect the safety and health of ...
HSE Guidance for Construction Site 日期: Date: 二○一四年十一月 November 2014 正面: Front Side: 单位/部门: Unit/Department: 姓名: Name: 紧急情况信息卡 Information Card for Emergencies 外部消防报警电话: External Fire Alarm Call: 外部医疗急救电话: Call of External Emergency Medical Aid: 内部报警...
Inspection of the site and instruction of the on-site staff Electricity in IT Working with moving loads Working with lifting vehicles Securing loads (suitcases, laptops, tool boxes, ladders etc.) Carrying your own PPE Breaks and rest periods Correct lifting and carrying Working with moving loads ...
Provide training on equipment use, emergency procedures, and safe work practices. Preparation and Inspection: Inspect all equipment and tools to be used for working at heights. Check the condition and integrity of ladders, scaffolds, harnesses, and other safety gear before use. Personal Protective E...
HSE Guidance for Construction Site 日期:二○一四年十一月 Date: November 2014 正面: Front Side: 单位/部门: Unit/Department: 姓名: Name: 反面: Reverse Side: 报警时我该说什么? What do I say when I give the alarm? 我是谁—— Who am I —— 发生了什么事情—— What happened —— 什么时...
HSE Guidance for Construction Site 日期: 二○一四年十一月 Date: 正面: November 2014 Front Side: 单位/部门: Unit/Department: 姓名: Name: 反 面: 紧急情况信息卡 Re ver Information Card for Emergencies se Sid e: 外部消防报警电话: External Fire Alarm Call: 外部医疗急救电话: Call of External ...
Basics of using ladders and steps Basics of safe appearance (avoiding falls) Basics of skin protection Behaviour in the event of fire Escape and escape routes Exit sign Fire safety signs Ladders and steps expanded Secure when working at height ...
Basics of using ladders and steps Basics of safe appearance (avoiding falls) Basics of skin protection Behaviour in the event of fire Escape and escape routes Exit sign Fire safety signs Ladders and steps expanded Secure when working at height ...
Inspection of the site and instruction of the on-site staff Electricity in IT Working with moving loads Working with lifting vehicles Securing loads (suitcases, laptops, tool boxes, ladders etc.) Carrying your own PPE Breaks and rest periods Correct lifting and carrying Working with moving loads ...