In this paper, from the“8.12”accident in the port of Tianjin, we analyze the status quo and problems of dangerous cargo warehousing safety management of chemical logistics enterprises in China based on the discussion of the importance of them. To reduce odds of this kind of accident, here w...
vivax. Discussion Malaria occurrences are not randomly distributed across space and time [16]. This variation is likely influenced by the combined effect of factors that characterize individu- als and areas [2]. Findings of the study show that factors at both the community-level and individual ...
Exonizations in the sense and antisense orientations are shown above and below the schematic representation of the HE1. Sela et al. Genome Biology 2010, 11:R59 Page 10 of 13 Discussion In this study, we examined the influence of TEs on the ...
In a discussion with John Conrad, Clemants upheld the theory of a separate, distinct Alpine race. Clemants was present at Conrad's place when John O'Donnel attacked Ketrick. Clement CAS Holiness (online text) 122-123, 138, 141. Clement, (Prof.) James Of Richmond, Virginia. REH Roof ...