HSC Mark由两部分组成,一个是高考的最终成绩HSC Exam Mark,另一个是学校的评估分数Moderated School Assessment Mark,其实也就是这一科目你在校内的平时分排名(11年级最后一学期&12年级全年在校考试成绩),而最终的HSC Mark分数就是这二者的平均分。 所以想获得HSC Mark高分的话,在校内的排名和高考的分数都要提高才...
Students who appeared in the GSEB exams 2022 are required to score a least a 'D' grade in every subject to clear the Gujarat examination. Students with 'E' grade had to appear for supplementary exams. The GSEB result can be accessed on www-gseb-org 2022. However, the board had not...
Immune checkpoint inhibition targeting the PD-1/PD-L1 pathway has become a powerful clinical strategy for treating cancer, but its efficacy is complicated by various resistance mechanisms. One of the reasons for the resistance is the internalization and
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Empowering secondary school students & teachers with engaging resources to master Math, Physics, & Coding! Explore interactive lessons, practice problems, projects & more for a fun & effective learning experience - STEM.