StudyOn HSC Maths Extension 2 Teacher Edition (Registration Card)
第二年ATAR 97。hsc 考了esl, chinese background speaker, chemistry, maths ext1, maths ext2....
CSSA HSC Trial, Mathematics Extension 2, 2004 Question 1 (a) Consider the function f (x) = x(x − 3)2. (i) Sketch the graph of the curve y = f (x) showing clearly the coordinates and nature of any turning points and the intercepts on the x and y axes. Find the set of ...
如果学ext2,则侧重ext2的卷子。Harder ext1做熟了之后会发现ext1简直是2u难度。 我不是ext1就不用刷题的意思!!! 精英学校得ext1卷子有很多很有趣的题,可以放松一下被ext2虐到疲惫的身心(笑)。另外hsc reference sheet鸡肋得很,找起来费力费时,非常不推荐。建议牢记所有公式。 数学extension的scale非常高,成...
StudyOn HSC Maths Extension 1 Teacher Edition (Registration Card)