50k Sign-Up Bonus with HSBC Premier World Elite MasterCard First and foremost, you can earn a 50,000-point sign-up bonus when you spend $4,000 in the first three months from approval. Sound familiar? It should since it’s the exact same bonus asCSR. Borrowing from Chase’...
Unlock exclusive travel, dining and lifestyle benefits with the Premier World Elite Mastercard. Earn reward points as you spend (with more points per pound than our Premier Credit Card), and exchange them for airline miles to build up your total in double quick time. ...
The HSBC Premier World Elite Mastercard has asimilar reward system to the Premier credit cardone. Only in this case, the points are doubled - youget 2 points for each pound sterling you spendand 4 points for the same amount spent in another currency.⁴ This card has a verysubstantial si...
Promotional offers may limit the amount of Bonus Points earned. Any transactions made with your HSBC Elite World Elite Mastercard® credit card in a currency other than U.S. dollars will be converted to U.S. dollars before calculating earned Points. Your Points cannot be applied as payment ...
HSBC Premier World Mastercard Rewards Breakdown Description Does HSBC Premier World Mastercard have a signup bonus? This card doesn't offer a cash signup bonus. However, it does include a 35000 points signup bonus after spending $3000 that can be redeemed for travel, gifts, or other perks....
这张信用卡有两个版本:普卡(HSBC Premier Credit Card)和精英卡(HSBC Premier World Elite Mastercard),前者没有年费,后者的年费为£195(不可退还)。 【申请须知】 普卡的官网页面在这里,精英卡的官网页面在这里。 申请这两张信用卡的硬性要求是必须持有HSBC Premier账户,而开户需满足以下两点之一: ...
Have more questions about the HSBC World Elite Mastercard? We’ve answered the top questions that you might have about this travel rewards card. How much is HSBC’s welcome bonus worth? HSBC’s current welcome bonus is worth up to 70,000 points, plus a rebate on your first year annual ...
HSBC currently offers a few MasterCard-branded credit cards with various sign-up bonuses and reward earning ability. HSBC is a global financial bank and is geared towards providing high-quality service and unique benefits. Enjoy no annual fee, world class rewards, no foreign transaction fees and ...
加拿大的信用卡界之前最高端的信用卡应该是AmEx Centurion——也就是运通黑卡,而在最近,HSBC也推出了一张专门针对高端客户的卡片:HSBC Jade World Elite Mastercard,也就是所谓的“玉”卡。所谓闻名不如见面,见面不如闻名,这次牧羊博士特意邀请好友大富翁来和我们一起分享一下难得的“玉”卡开箱体验。
汇丰银行的卓越信用卡在英国有两个版本,最近都提高了开卡奖励,如果你有卓越账户的话可以考虑一下。 卓越信用卡的申请页面在这里,卓越精英卡的申请页面在这里,大家也可以参考我写的介绍文章。8月31日之前,如果你申请这两张信用卡并批准的话,只要在开卡之后的九十天之类消费满£2000,就可以获得10000点积分的额外奖励...