Continue to enjoy extra 3X RewardCash from 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016 on your first HKD100,000 eligible spending with your HSBC Visa Signature Card under HSBC Visa Signature Card Special Reward Promotion 2016. You can earn up to 9X RewardCash in total if you have also enrolled in...
冇左visa 飲食額外回贈#13 yykk (金卡會員) • 5 年前 點解red係不適用 條款寫明 我知 只係好奇匯豐點樣有咁條款 估計今次最紅冬日包網上簽賑 RED本身已回4% 再加疊promo可能會蝕本 網購先4%而家係普通簽賬#14 beautifier (普通卡會員) • 5 年前 點解red係不適用 條款寫明 我知 只係好奇匯豐...
HSBC Premier debit or credit cardholders, such cardholders must settle payment with their HSBC Premier MasterCard® credit card or HSBC Premier Debit card, and to enjoy exclusive offers available to Visa Platinum cardholders, such cardholders must settle payment with their HSBC Visa Platinum card...
HSBC Visa Infinite Cardwith min. income of $120,000 p.a. Key Benefits 17.6%savings + up to1.25 milesper $1 spend at Caltex 2 milesper $1 overseas spend 1 milesper $1 local spend Unlimited airport lounge access with Lounge Key
All you have to do is compare all credit cards and apply. Not to forget, you can also get sign-up gifts thanks to the ongoing HSBCcredit card promotion. Best HSBC Credit Cards in Malaysia 2025: HSBC Visa Signature Credit Card Wouldn't it be nice to have a credit card that rewards yo...
Terms&Conditionsfor“HSBC/HSBCAmanahRM5CashRebateatCaltex” Promotion(“thisPromotion”). 1.ThisPromotionisfrom1November2009to28February2010,bothdatesinclusive (“PromotionPeriod”). 2.ThisPromotionisopentoholdersofHSBCPremierMasterCardCreditCard,HSBC VisaPlatinumCreditCard,HSBCAmanahMPowerVisaPlatinumCredit...
05 Visas Before doing business in Kuwait, a business visa must be obtained. However, before a foreigner can apply, they must secure the sponsorship of a local Kuwaiti company.
On February 1, 2024, the Singapore Business Federation (SBF) and the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) recently joined forces to host the Singapore-China Economic Partnership Conference. Themed “Trade & Investment Opportunities through Enhanced Connectivity” (互联互通...
More recently, in January 2024, both countries announced theadoption of a visa exemption policy for their nationals, permitting visits of up to 30 days. Effective from February 9, 2024, individuals carrying regular passports and traveling for tourism, family visits, or business purposes can b...
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