When you call the bank for an urgent assistance from their so called "Hotline", you can expect to be waiting at least 30mins on the line before you can talk to an officer and if you are lucky, you will get connected, other your all the waiting time is a waste !!! Date of ...
HSBC premier Malaysia has the worst customer service. UK and Australia ones are good. Malaysia customer service and premier managers are not helpful at all and professional when you’re in overseas. I’m their customer for 20 years but their service is annoying, can you explain imagine it’s...
pleasecallourHSBCCustomerService Hotlineon(852)22333000*. *IfyouarealsoanHSBCPremiercustomerorHSBCAdvancecustomer,youcanmanageallyourHSBCaccountsandenquirieswiththerespectiveHSBCPremierHotline(852)22333322or HSBCAdvanceHotline(852)27488333. CongratulationsCardprivilegesFinancialbene tsOtherservices Important...
HSBC Premier Hotline (不詳) WhiteList 16:01 22882165 Hsbc autopay (不詳) WhiteList 11:19 22882165 Hsbc autopay (不詳) WhiteList 19:53 22882519 HSBC card center (不詳) WhiteList 10:06 22882165 Hsbc autopay (不詳) ColdCall 11:28 38447915 hsbc loans (財務借貸) WhiteList 13:38 37422506...