Get started with HSBC HK App now. One touch, you’re in! HSBC Life Well+ programme in HSBC HK App works with Apple Health to sync workouts data. *Important Note: This App is designed for use in Hong Kong. The products and services represented within this App are intended for Hong Kong...
No matter where you are amongst your busy schedule, staying on top of your business finances is crucial to your success. Introducing the new HSBC HK Business Ex…
卡片批核后60日内,刷卡满2000HKD即可获得200HKD的现金回扣。注意,这2000元可以分次进行,但必须使用刷卡或虚拟卡(如Apple Pay)进行消费。绑定到八达通、Alipay HK或WeChat Pay的消费额度不计入内,也不包括水电通讯等缴费型开支。🏦 八达通自动增值优惠: 绑定八达通自动增值,可享受500元/次的返还优惠。先到官网进行...
申请步骤📋 我是在上周五(6月13日)通过HSBC HK流动理财app申请的。最后一步需要上传收入证明,但这个步骤其实可以忽略,直接提交就好。 额度情况💰 一周后,我收到了获批短信。查看额度后,发现我有5,000港币和4,700人民币的额度(我设置了两币种额度比例1:1)。 总结📝 总的来说,HSBC Pulse双币信用卡在申请...
For example, if you use theHSBC Business Debit Mastercard, which is the first business debit Mastercard in Hong Kong, you will be able to add this card to your e-wallet and pay with Apple Pay and Google Pay, without having to present the physical card. Through the HSBC HK Business ...
💳香港汇丰one HSBC 办理超简单。💳香港汇丰one HSBC 办理超简单!🔔所需资料:身份证+通行证+过关小票,当天办好。✅如果需要master蓝狮子扣账卡的话,要在HSBC HK app申请,银行卡是平邮寄出的,银行一般不 - 海外商务咨询-Kuizi于20230919发布在抖音,已经收获
Hi isaac2019, please contact our customer service ( if the problem persists. 更多 yc2022 , 04/10/2017 Very Bad User Experience! 1) I have installed the APP for a while but today is my first time to use it... i have linked my bank accou...
HSBC to complete the installation, and with one device, you will be able to accept not only the government e-vouchers paid through PayMe, AlipayHK, WeChat Pay HK, Octopus and Tap & Go, but also other digital payments using FPS, credit cards, and mobile wallets such as Apple Pay. ...
2. 外幣簽夠hk$30000#3 RayMan Ho (金卡會員) • 1 年前 可用red/everymile 1. 連續3個月用外幣簽夠hk$8000解鎖3% (max 600rc)2. 12個月內外幣簽夠30000+3次外幣簽酒店/機票 多於hk$1500(應可計落30000) 就升level 22.1 如果1個月內做到條件2 就下個曆月日升level 22.2 就算黎緊12個月...
-Payme, AlipayHK, Wechat pay 不合資格 -一般網上簽賬應該合資格 (滙豐Red信用卡不適用於本推廣。) 咁快知道detail? 有無link?Apple Pay octopus 計唔計?有無每筆最少幾錢?#2 左輪右里 (金卡會員) • 5 年前 HSBC D promote 真係輪住黎一個接一個 唔撚再用 Ricky 咭喇#3 hk.asiamiles (普通...