Available to HSBC Current Account or savings account customers 3.50% to 4.15% AER/Gross Depending on amount invested and term chosen. Interest rates fixed and paid monthly, annually or on maturity depending on the term. Find out moreFind out more about HSBC Fixed Rate Saver ...
A flexible current account, offering day-to-day banking Apply 0.00% Gross 0.00% Gross 0.00% Gross 0.00% Gross 0.00% Gross 0.00% Gross 0.00% Gross How interest is calculated and paid Rates last updated on06/02/202517:01 The frequency of interest payments and the requirements to earn interest...
Interest rate change on selected savings accounts On 7 February 2025, the interest rates on Fixed Rate Savings changed.Find out moreFind out more about the savings rates On 31 March 2025, the interest rates on some of our savings accounts will change.Find out more ...
Current:Arrow up Previous:Arrow sideways USD sentiment is still waiting for clarity on the depth and intensity of US President Trump's tariff strategy over the near term. The USD has strengthened beyond levels implied by its rate expectations, but the premium may persist for now. The Federal ...
Choose your debit account, deposit amount and select maturity instruction. You will then see the interest rate, interest amount and what you'll receive at the end of your term. Select 'Continue' and open your account. You can alsoopen a Fixed Term Deposit accountin online banking ...
In case of early redemption for end of period interest USD Time Deposits, interest will be calculated based on the prevailing USD Savings account interest rate for the period the deposit existed. In case of early redemption of the Saving Certificate, the bank will apply early redemption fees in...
A rate of 20.50% per annum A certificate issued in EGP and in the name of the owner 3 year validity and tax exemption Interest paid monthly and credited to your current or savings account Enjoy the benefits of medium-term savings in Egyptian pounds. Find out more Find out more about...
Fixed Rate Saver (原名为:High Interest Deposit Bond)是我们真正意义上的定期存款账户,无论你目前是什么样的流动银行账户,你都可以办理此账户。作为汇丰第二高汇率的存款账户,更方便的地方在于,最短你可以定期存款3个月,不像 Regular Saver 1年那么长。存入金额与定期存入时间:此账户可以定期存款的时间为3个月,...
Fixed Rate Saver (原名为:High Interest Deposit Bond)是我们真正意义上的定期存款账户,无论你目前是什么样的流动银行账户,你都可以办理此账户。作为汇丰第二高汇率的存款账户,更方便的地方在于,最短你可以定期存款3个月,不像 Regular Saver 1年那么长。( K% + I% h# w0 s9 O: f6 W6 R* s D- V...
The Central Provident Fund (CPF) Board and Housing Board will remain offering assurance on CPF savings by maintaining the 4% floor rate. The Special, MediSave and Retirement account (SMRA) interest rate is set to increase to 4.14% in the fourth quarter from the previous 4.08% in the third...