A roll number for some building society accounts A 16-digit credit card number when paying a credit card bill For these accounts, when you enter a sort code and account number, CoP will use the reference to ensure the account name is correct. If the details entered in the reference box ...
The transition to a more sustainable economic model is one of the greatest challenges facing governments, businesses, and broader society. Reaching net zero will require large amounts of capital investment over the coming years. The stakes are so high that sustainability is now an essential topic ...
HSBC UK has fully integrated the Global Purpose-Led Conduct Approach into our Risk Management Framework; our business activities; and our governance, ensuring we consider and act on the impact our actions and decisions have on our customers and society. This integration to a higher standard of ...
中国绿色氢:准备好了吗(英文)-HSBC.pdf,Energy Transition Equity Research Report China Thematic research March 2022 By: Dun Wang (S1700519060002), Corey Chan (S1700518100001), Yi Ru (S1700520120001) S P O T L I G H T China Green Hydrogen Ready for prime