Save in up to 19 currencies with our range of instant access and fixed-term savings accounts for expats. Compare interest rates Use our interest rates comparison tool to help find the right account for you. What is offshore banking?
Improve credit interest rates with preferential pricing based on aggregated balances across your HSBC accounts in over 50 markets. On a single or multi-currency basis. Notional Pooling Notional Pooling is the notional offsetting of accounts on a single or multi currency and single or multi entity ...
NIM was up 1bps compared with 4Q22, predominantly driven by improved asset yields as a result of higher interest rates in most of our markets, partly offset by lower margins in Asia due to higher term deposit migration and a reduction in the Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate ('HIBOR'). ...
In other developed countries, several central banks have also continued to raise rates in 2023, both in Europe (Sweden, Norway, Switzerland), in Canada and in Asia-Pacific (Australia, New Zealand). In contrast, the Bank of Japan has kept its policy rate unchanged at -0.10 per ...
Fees and interest rates for the time deposit account The interest you can earn from your HSBC Foreign Currency Time Deposit Account will vary based on the currency, the amount of money, and how long you can leave it. Deposits can be left for 1 - 12 months, with more interest payable for...
See HSBC'scurrent savings rates. HSBC Certificate of Deposit With a Certificate of Deposit, you must leave your money in the account for the entire term, or you'll incur a penalty. You get a locked-in interest rate for the whole term. The minimum required to open an account is $1,000...
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This document may not be distributed to the US, Canada or Australia or any other jurisdiction where its distribution is unlawful. Hong Kong In Hong Kong, this document is distributed by HBAP to its customers for general reference only. HBAP is not responsible for any loss, damage or other ...
FCNR (B) Deposit Account (Foreign Currency Non-Resident (Bank) Deposit Account):Maximize earnings with attractive interest rates on your fixed-term deposits in major foreign currencies like USD, GBP, or EUR. Interest earned on these deposits is often tax-exempt in India. ...
IBORs are ‘term rates’, which means they are published for different periods of time such as 3 months or 6 months and are ‘forward looking’, which means they are published at the beginning of the borrowing period. IBORs therefore incorporate a term premium to compensate for the risk of...