For 2025, HSA contribution limitsfor family HSAs are $8,550, while for individuals they are $4,300. And don't forget you can still make your 2024 contribution until thetax deadline of April 15 next year. HSA savings are generally FDIC-insured. However, investments generally are not. Veri...
The best way to get approved is by perusing in advance what’s covered on your specific insurer’s website, and also, again, working with your providers to get other needs covered. If you’re lucky enough to have an insurer that issues FSA debit cards, you simply use those at the ...
Digital image processing, is what GPUs are designed for (obviously), so they can be used to accelerate image and video post processing and decoding. If you need to decode a video stream and apply a filter, even an entry-level GPU will wipe the floor with a CPU. Scientific computing, inc...
Lively comes with a useful tool that helps you figure out what is a “qualified medical expense.” Before making a purchase, do a quick search. The tool will tell you if the item can be purchased with your Lively debit card. Alternatively, you can also buy from the HSA Store, which on...
real estate investment trusts (REITs),bonds,mutual funds, savings accounts, and other investments depending upon the options allowed by yourHSA administratorof choice. In addition, each HSA administrator typically provides a range of account services, including special checking accounts, debit cards, ...
You can assure the safety of your family, home and surroundings with the IMPACT by Honeywell CCTV cameras. It can be placed anywhere so you know what is happening around even when you are away. It comes wi...
There's no internal memory on the Canon 310 and no memory card is included with the camera. You'll want to buy a fast SD card (Speed Class 6 or higher) to keep up with the HD video recording. The Canon 310 HS is aware of Eye-Fi cards (although Canon says the 310 HS "is not...