The HS-785HB servo is unique due to its ability to rotate multiple turns while retaining positioning feedback. While most servos are limited to approximately 180 degrees absolute max, the HS-785HB can rotate just shy of 8 turns given the proper PWM signal range. With most hobby radio syste...
伺服电机高科技HS-785血红蛋白(Servo Motor HiTec HS-785HB) 资源编号 :105570302 格式:sw 文件体积 :1m James_Walker 浏览压缩包 ZIP 1m 收藏 评论 详情页投诉 分享 爱给网提供海量的3d模型资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为sw 格式的伺服电机高科技HS-785血红蛋白(Servo Motor HiTec HS-785HB), 本站编号10557...