C-reactive protein (CRP) is a substance found in the blood that increases when there is inflammation within your body, referred to as an acute phase reactant (APC). The high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) test is more sensitive than the standard CRP test measuring slight increases ...
HsCRP, or high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, is a marker of inflammation in the body. It helps to assess the risk of several cardiovascular diseases like myocardial infarction,stroke, peripheral vascular disease, and sudden cardiac death. The HsCRP test is a simpleblood testthat measures the ...
What Are the Effects of High CRP Levels? What Are the Benefits of Being within a Normal CRP Range? What Is the Connection between CRP and Inflammation? What is a C-Reactive Protein Test? What is CRP? Discussion Comments WiseGeek, in your inbox ...
C-reactive protein (CRP) is a nonspecific, acute-phase reactant used to diagnose bacterial infectious disease and inflammatory disorders, such as acute rheumatic fever and rheumatoid arthritis (1). Various studies on large numbers of patients, show a correlation between levels ofCRPCP Test...
hs-CRP/CRP Rapid Test Uncut Sheet,hs-CRP/CRP检测大板产品的储存方法查看Bioworld厂家提供的产品说明书 其他 Bioworld是专一服务于生命科学研究的专业技术型企业,Bioworld品牌创立以来拥有10000多种常规产品现货,现有8000多种现货抗体,以及其他IVD原料,蛋白等现货产品。在细胞信号通路、免疫学、蛋白组学上拥有显著优势,其...
with routine blood test has a high clinical diagnostic value for children with Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection, and the level of hs-CRP is correlated with the time of remission of clinical symptoms and signs of children, and it is also important for the prediction of children's recovery meaning...
型号:null 产品货号: hs-CRP试剂盒 价格:请致电:010-57128832,18610462672 品牌:江苏南京 试剂级别: 试剂级 1.产品名称 通用名称:超敏C反应蛋白检测试剂盒(干式免疫荧光定量法) 英文名称:hs-CRPRapid Test Kit(Immunofluorescence Assay) 2.包装规格 包装规格:10人份/盒,25人份/盒,50人份/盒,100人份/盒 ...
产品名称 全程C-反应蛋白(hsCRP+常规CRP)测定试剂(荧光免疫层析法)hsCRP Rapid Test 企业名称 广州万孚生物技术股份有限公司 企业地址 广州市萝岗区科学城荔枝山路8号 出口证明有效期 2021-11-08 出口销售证号 粤食药监械出20201242号 产品注册证 粤械注准20162401440 生产许可证号 粤食药监械生产许...
产品名称 C—反应蛋白(hsCRP+常规CRP)/降钙素原(PCT)联检试剂(荧光免疫层析法)CRP/PCT Rapid Quantitative Test 企业名称 广州万孚生物技术股份有限公司 企业地址 广州市萝岗区科学城荔枝山路8号 出口证明有效期 2020-12-06 出口销售证号 粤食药监械出20190868号 产品注册证 粤械注准20192400207 生产...
This test is suitable for in vitro quantitative detection of the concentration of C-reactive protein in human serum, plasma, venous whole blood and fingerstick whole blood. This product is provided for testing by medical and health institutions, and is u