Find all customs tariff numbers and harmonized codes from the European external trade statistics in German, English and French from 2009 until today.
►第19类 - 武器、弹药及其零件、附件 ►第20类 - 杂项制品 ►第21类 - 艺术品、收藏品及古物 ►第22类 - 特殊交易品及未分类商品 友情链接copyright 版权归 HS编码网 网站声明 沪ICP备08100262号-11
Using HS Code Search How to Use the HS Code Search Tool: Enter Product Description or HS Code: Input a generic product description (e.g., “laptop”) or the initial digits of an HS code to begin your search. Select Country: Choose the country relevant to your search to obtain countr...
HS code Search Just enter the item name ! HS code confirmation is for only 1 second ! Tariff will be zero! Tariff reduction diagnostic tool for forwarders released! Tariff Reduction Diagnosis HS Code confirmation is for only 1 second.
Search HS Code Apple or 080810 The Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding Systems generally referred to as "Harmonized System" or simply "HS Code" is a 6-digit standardized numerical method of classifying traded products developed and maintained by the World Customs Organization. The Harmonized...
Find Product HS Code: Search for the HS code of a product. Check Applied Tariff: Determine if a special FTA tariff applies to a product. 1. Get Product Description To start, visit JKDM HS CodeExplorer. Follow these 3 steps: Tariff Type:Keep the default (PDK 2022 - Perintah Duti ...
1. 查询HTS CODE:进入上述网站,在Tariff Assistance项下Search the currentHarmonized Tariff Schedule...下的搜索框中输入输入中国HSCODE的前六位数,如台灯940520***,搜索结果页面的左边框有详细的HTS CODE,根据自己的产品选择HTSCODE。 查询美国HS CODE和进口关税,注意了的文档下载:PDFDOCTXT 所...
HS CODE search guidance 1.首先通过最权威的海关官网查询:验证码需要区分大小写)一般大类的东西比较容易查到。2.若无相关信息可以从百度尝试搜索:关键字:产品名称加HSCODE)2.点开第一个进去,就找到其HSCODE。但这还不能结束,还应该到海关... 归类决定查询 江苏出入境检验检疫协会有显示"B"的监管条件的,就是要商检的 HS-CIQ编码对照查询: 要注意上网查询的不完全正确,海关编码每年都有一定...
DHL Express Malaysia has developed a useful tool on its website to simplify the HS Code search process for goods from various countries. Follow these 4 steps to find your HS code instantly:-Step 1: Go to the MyGTS website Begin your search with the DHL Express Global Trade Services (My...