►第19类 - 武器、弹药及其零件、附件 ►第20类 - 杂项制品 ►第21类 - 艺术品、收藏品及古物 ►第22类 - 特殊交易品及未分类商品 友情链接copyright www.hsbianma.com 版权归 HS编码网 网站声明 沪ICP备08100262号-11
Find all customs tariff numbers and harmonized codes from the European external trade statistics in German, English and French from 2009 until today.
Using HS Code Search How to Use the HS Code Search Tool: Enter Product Description or HS Code: Input a generic product description (e.g., “laptop”) or the initial digits of an HS code to begin your search. Select Country: Choose the country relevant to your search to obtain countr...
There are 3 ways to use JKDM HS Code Explorer: Get Product Description: Find product description using HS code. Find Product HS Code: Search for the HS code of a product. Check Applied Tariff: Determine if a special FTA tariff applies to a product. 1. Get Product Description To sta...
HS CODE search guidance 1.首先通过最权威的海关官网查询:http://www.hscode.com.cn/(tips:验证码需要区分大小写)一般大类的东西比较容易查到。2.若无相关信息可以从百度尝试搜索:http://www.baidu.com/(关键字:产品名称加HSCODE)2.点开第一个进去,就找到其HSCODE。但这还不能结束,还应该到海关...
HS code Search Just enter the item name ! HS code confirmation is for only 1 second ! Tariff will be zero! Tariff reduction diagnostic tool for forwarders released! Tariff Reduction Diagnosis HS Code confirmation is for only 1 second.
Search HS Code Apple or 080810 The Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding Systems generally referred to as "Harmonized System" or simply "HS Code" is a 6-digit standardized numerical method of classifying traded products developed and maintained by the World Customs Organization. The Harmonized...
1. 查询HTS CODE:进入上述网站,在Tariff Assistance项下Search the currentHarmonized Tariff Schedule...下的搜索框中输入输入中国HSCODE的前六位数,如台灯940520***,搜索结果页面的左边框有详细的HTS CODE,根据自己的产品选择HTSCODE。 查询美国HS CODE和进口关税,注意了的文档下载:PDFDOCTXT 所...
1.首先要查询HS码 HS ( HS CODE )在美国叫HTS CODE ( the Harmoised Tariff Schedule ) ,它与HS CODE的前6位是一致的,后4位则各国有不同的细化,所以建议输入前6位,然后根据具体产品描述去查询产品在美国的HTS码。2.查询网址:美国 关税官方网址百度搜索:Harmonized Tariff Schedule Search 直接搜索查询美国...
DHL Express Malaysia has developed a useful tool on its website to simplify the HS Code search process for goods from various countries. Follow these 4 steps to find your HS code instantly:- Step 1: Go to the MyGTS website Begin your search with the DHL Express Global Trade Services (My...