HS Code 8517629900 Product Description Wearfit Pro Smart Watch Xw88+pro 1.8 Inch 200mAh Hs6621 Series 8 Wireless Charger NFC Smartwatch What we can do: 1. Provide :1pcs drop-shipping service;2. Provide :bar-code stickers;3. Provide :DDP s...
4 Stereo microphone 10 Accessory shoe (for DZ-HS303E only) Take care that the microphone is not blocked (p. 60) by a hand, etc., during recording. The optional video flash can be attached 5 Recording indicator (p. 38, 44, 68) here. (See the instruction manual of device to The ...
GTA (Global Trade Analysis System), the world's largest trade intelligence database, shows that there are 1938 India Importers of Parts, made of other materials,of goods specified in heading no.94.05 (HS code 94059900). 按采购金额排序 Rankedby import amount 排名 Rank India Importer Name/印度...
2 Stereo microphone Take care that the microphone is not blocked 7 PC connection terminal (TO PC) (p. 125) by a hand, etc., during recording. 8 AV output jack (p. 116, 119) 3 Recording indicator (p. 38, 44, 67) The red indicator will light during recording. 9 External microphone...